Reflections [Tubbo]

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TW: Blood, cuts, bruises, hallucination, self starving, panic attacks, broken glass, sleep deprivation

A weak, shaky breath blew from a brunette. Tubbo's hands falling onto the sink top, hardly managing to hold him up. He inhaled sharply, feeling a tightness in his chest, as his tired, dull blue eyes dragged themselves up to the mirror: Brunette hair with a blonde streak, human ears, human, not ram, not goat, human. Well- of course he was just human, he had no connections to Schlatt, no similarities to the tyrant that hurt many, he was just Tubbo, no one else. How could he act like Jschlatt? The man did awful things for his own sake, exiled Tommy and Wilbur for power! Tubbo did none of that. He'd given everything, sacrificed everything, just for the sake of the country. He gave up sleep, eating, breaks, and even exiled his best friend Tommy to prevent a war with Dream, and he was left miserable. So how come he was compared to Schlatt? Taking a few calming breaths, Tubbo wiped his cheeks to dry the tears, turning to the door afterwards. He still had work to do after all, as president of L'Manberg. He fixed his tie, and walked to the entrance, grabbing onto the handles with a tight grip before twisting them, and shoved the doors open. Immediately he was greeted by bright sunlight, burning both his good, and bad eye. He lifted his arms to shield them from the sun's rays, scowling, not in any mood for the beautiful day it was. Standing close by, was Fundy, and Quackity, their postures being a mature one, as they waited for his presence. Tubbo stifled a snort at that. He could hardly remember when they'd give him a playful look rather than the mature look they had now, where had all their jokes gone? Well it seemed they felt they could only take him seriously just because he was president. He was only 16 though! Why couldn't he have back those free moments? Sighing, he went over to his two friends to greet them, which they returned the greeting with polite dips of their heads. Of course.

Tubbo walked past Quackity, and Fundy, opening his mouth to speak. "It's time we prepared for the festival. Quackity, read me the list." The avian did as he was told, but that was all he remembered. Everything had been a blur, mushed together with every other day because they were all the same: Wake up, get ready, greet Fundy or Quackity, go through the list, work, more work, and resist the urge to close his eyes, and drift into sleep.


Tubbo picked up his checklist, reading through it the best he could when everything seemed blurry from his lack of sleep, maybe also because he skipped his meals multiple times for the last three days. Footsteps could be heard, and Tubbo lifted his eyes from the paper, meeting Quackity's dark grey ones. Quackity had his hands behind his back with the same polite expression as usual. "Need something, Q?"

"Well actually I do." The avian began, the polite look on his face dropping to an irritated one, Tubbo stiffening slightly under his gaze, and slowly lowered the checklist from his face. "I've been wondering why exactly you allow Dream to walk around here, when he's clearly a threat to the country. He threatened war for fu-"

"I know." Tubbo cut him off, muttering his words through gritted teeth. He sighed, running a scarred hand through his matted hair. Quackity didn't seem to want to back down though, he seemed to just love  to ignore his authority, and his  place.

"Oh you know, do you? Well then it seems you just don't care then." Tubbo frowned at that, placing the checklist back on the counter beside him. But before he could defend himself, the avian had already continued. "Honestly, I thought you'd be better than Schlatt, that you actually care  about this country. But it appears I was wrong, you are just like him. You're acting just like Schlatt."

Tubbo stared with wide eyes, hardly able to feel himself breathing. Just like Schlatt?  Fury suddenly rose in the brunette's chest, and he knew something in him snapped: A small smirk cracked on his lips "Oh you say I act like Schlatt, huh? Well if that's so, I can treat you like Schlatt did, I can even act worse  if I wanted to!" Quackity blinked in surprise, opening his mouth to speak, but Tubbo was already going off again, unable to hold back his anger. "But, you're lucky I actually have morals, that I despise Schlatt as much as you do. That doesn't mean i'll be treating you like a king though, no no no. So you know what?" The cold grin grew on his face, his eyes burning into the avian in front of him like wildfire, and he giggled, before walking past Quackity to the door, the smirk dropping to a cold, and warning frown instead. "Quackity, as punishment for questioning your president's authority, you'll be organizing this festival by yourself without anyone's help whatsoever. And if you are to object to this, you won't attend it at all." Quackity stared in shock, quickly shutting his gaped mouth. That only made Tubbo feel a surge of satisfaction though, and he continued. "And speaking of which, you are not to attend the festival as a guest, but rather a cleaner. You'll be cleaning up any messes made by our guests we have. Any objections?" When the avian didn't say anything, he was fully satisfied, going out the door.  "Good."

He ignored the shocked look Fundy had, as he walked past the fox as well who was standing right at the door, he ignored the way the two watched him. Who were they to judge him for making his place clear?


Tubbo paced in circles, as he stared at the floor below, his mind racing. Why had he snapped like that?! Sure, it had been two days since he brought Quackity back to his place, but still! Only Schlatt would've snapped like that, only that awful tyrant would've felt such- such a disgusting amount of satisfaction from bringing someone down like that!.. His breathing's pace was growing quicker with each passing thought, and he looked down at his hands, now trembling like a leaf dangling for its dear life on the end of a twig, trying to prevent itself from being taken by the wind. He bit down roughly on his lower lip, choking back a sob, and was unable to prevent the tears from rolling down his cheeks. No- no no no, he- he couldn't be seen crying.. Gripping onto his uniform sleeves, Tubbo rushed to the bathroom, hardly able to catch himself on the sink top. Panting for breath now, he turned the faucet to the sink, water pouring down like a waterfall immediately. Tubbo cupped his hands under the running water, splashing his face with the remaining water that hadn't dripped out of the cracks. Once finished, he turned the faucet handle again, focusing on slowing his breathing, before slowly lifting his head to see his awful reflection. It- it felt like time had all stopped together, like his heart skipped a beat..

Two ram horns were sticking out of his head, curled up sharply, and his human ears were replaced with two fluffy goat ones. A shriek of horror escaped his throat, and Tubbo stumbled back, his eyes wide with fear. Without thinking, he clenched his fist, and swung it swiftly at the mirror: Glass shattered, and blew past Tubbo, some shards scraping against his skin on the way. He stood in front of the now broken mirror, panting for breath, and he lifted his shaky fist, staring down with wide, yet blank eyes at all the cuts, and bruises from the shards of glass. His breathing only grew quicker though, as he watched blood start to ooze out of the cuts, and drip onto the floor. Somehow though, he felt numb to it, numb to the burning sensation of the cuts, and bruises, numb to the blood dripping down his hand, just- numb. His eyes dragged to the remaining glass shards still clinging onto the mirror frame, only just allowing a fresh wave of tears to fall when the horns were gone. Was he really going crazy?.. No, no he was nothing like Wilbur either. He wasn't like Jschlatt, and definitely nothing  like Wilbur. Only now he began to shake again, his wide, blank eyes glued to the broken glass, and his own reflection. The door creaked open, and he managed to flick his gaze over to it, seeing a certain fox standing there worriedly: Fundy's ears were pinned against his head, and his tail fur was spiking up, brown eyes examining the entire room, from the glass shards, to the broken mirror, all the way to Tubbo, standing there looking like a mess. And he was a mess; Tubbo's brunette hair was matted, and sticking out everywhere, his uniform was wrinkled, he had dark bags under his tired eyes, and he was now bruised up from the glass, quite the sight to pity, especially a sixteen year old.


Tubbo blinked, snapping out of his own personal trance, and cleared his throat, putting his hands behind his back, mostly to cover up his bruised hand. "Fundy," He addressed, putting on a mature, and collected mask of an expression to hide the pain. "-Just an accident, have you come with a report or something?" The fox just gave him a worried frown, but seemed to understand he'd be stubborn no matter what, so he just sighed.

"No Tubbo, just heard the commotion, and thought I should check."

The shorter just stared blankly at Fundy for a moment, trying to think of what to say, but decided against explaining. "There's nothing wrong, you're dismissed. Oh and while you're at it, make sure Quackity's doing everything correctly." Fundy hesitated before nodding, and turning to walk off. Once he was alone again, Tubbo's legs only grew weaker, and he collapsed to the knees, letting out a cry. Why why why?!

Was he really like Schlatt?..


Sorry i didn't upload earlier, wasnt feeling the best.

1694 words

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