I will be [Plantonic Tomboo]

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Tommy sat on the bench, feeling an emotion that was impossible to describe. When things don't go your way for so long, sometimes you don't even know whether it bothers you anymore. You just feel like a spectator, watching over the events of your life happen.

A figure sits down on the bench as well, Tommy turned his head towards this mystery person.

And there sat Ranboo, does Tommy consider Ranboo a friend? He wasn't sure. He wasn't sure about anything anymore.

"Hey, Tommy.." The taller mumbled, nervously adjusting into place.

Tommy averted his eyes, oddly staring in front of him unthinkingly. He didn't feel as if he was in the moment, but it was like he was still weighed down.

"Hi." Tommy blankly responded.

Ranboo hasn't come to visit before, why now? Is it because he just got revived? What a fucking prick. Tommy thought he didn't need the pity. Even if he was going through the unimaginable.

"What are you doing here?" Tommy softly asked, his voice sounding too emotionless to be coming from the hyperactive persona of Tommyinnit.

"I....wanted to see if you were okay." Ranboo claimed.

Tommy was confused. It was as if this sudden interest had come out of nowhere.

"I'm fine." The blonde stated, a cold tone apparent in his voice.

Ranboo's expression quickly flashed to pain for a moment, Tommy noticed through his peripheral vision.

Ranboo uncomfortably gazed away. It was easier to speak to someone if you weren't looking at them, he believed.

"You know, a lot of people wouldn't be happy that I'm out here talking to you." The taller notes.

Tommy furrowed his eyebrows together, still not looking at Ranboo. The two were awkwardly sitting next to each other and talking but not looking at anything in particular.

"So, what? You want me to fucking thank you?" The troubled boy hissed through his teeth.

"I'm asking you to try and see things from my point of view."

"Look, nobody asked you to come out here. I didn't ask you to come out here. You did that on your own. I'm not influencing your actions in the slightest, so if you're worried about the consequences you can just go back." Tommy bit harshly, the words that came out of his mouth were a bit more hurtful than intended.

Tommy was lucky Ranboo was reasonable and calm enough to decide to stay.

"I know you think nobody cares about you out here," Ranboo began. "I know you think we're just happily living our lives in there. But I want to assure you, I do miss you. I just...can't show that physically."

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