Chapter 12

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"I don't feel good..." Malik groaned, opening the car window slightly.

Bruce took his eyes off the road for a second and looked him up and down.

"You're fine, it's just nerves. You've been playing football since you were in nappies, Malik, you'll be fine."

The boy lifted his foot up and put his football boots on, double knotting the laces.

"Hey! Get your muddy shoes off my seats!" Bruce flicked his knee cap.

"Ow! There was no need for that at all." Malik rubbed his knee.

"That couldn't have hurt. You're such a baby! Did you do a nervous wee before we left?" Bruce laughed.

"Shut up. And no I didn't, i don't need to do those anymore." 

"Are you sure about that?" The man teased.

"Ohh just shut up will you, you're no help!" Malik said, getting out the car.

Bruce locked the car up and walked over to the benches at the side of the pitch.

"Good luck, although I know you won't need it." Bruce patted the boy on the back and sat down.

"I'm scared" Malik whispered, not realizing he was saying that out loud and that Bruce could hear him.

"Awwww you little wuss" the man laughed pulled him into a hug.

"Get off me!" Malik frowned, squirming and pushing him away.

"Awww what's wrong? Am I embarrassing you?" 

"Yes you are embarrassing me. Go home!" Malik rolled his eyes at him and walked over to his teammates.

There was still a few minutes left until kick off, so bruce took this opportunity to do some research on what was causing Malik's bedwetting problem and how to stop it.

He put his symptoms into the search bar and pressed search.

'Overactive bladder syndrome'

Bruce clicked on the website and read it, he wondered if the boy was suffering from incontinence due to stress or anxiety.

He was in the middle of reading when his phone was swiped out of his hand.

"What on earth are you reading?!" 

The man turned around and took his phone back. "Madeline! That's private."

Madeline was Bruce's niece, she was just a year and a half older than Malik, they were quite close when they were younger due to them going to the same primary school, and of course through Bruce.

The whistle blew and the game started.

"Sorry, but may I ask, why were you reading that? Are you alright?" She sat down next to him.

"I'm fine! It's not for me it's for Malik." Bruce lowered his voice.

"Malik? Is he here?! Gosh, I haven't seen that idiot in years." Madeline laughed.

"He's over there, you can't miss that curly head" Bruce pointed.

"He's not changed at all, how long has it actually been?" 

"5 or 6 years I think." Bruce counted in his head.

"Wow. Wait- why were you reading that for Malik? What's wrong with him?" Madeline looked up at the man.

"He would kill me if I told you." Bruce laughed.

"What? Why?" 

"He had the biggest crush on you! Didn't you know?" 

Madeline laughed, "I did, I did. Now can you please tell me!" 

"Alright, he recently had an argument with his father, who now lives in Australia, Malik didn't want to go to Australia so Malik being Malik, stubborn, decided he wasn't going no matter what. I obviously wanted to help so I offered him my spare bedroom, to which he said yes to. His father felt he'd be safe with me so was okay with him staying here..."

"Okay but that doesn't explain why you were reading that" Madeline said, confused as to where this was going.

"I wasn't finished!" Bruce laughed, "so the first night he stayed, he wet the bed. Thought it was a one off and tried to hide it, a few times actually. But I found out, like I always do."

"He wets the bed?" 

"I didn't tell you! Pretend you don't know, and don't mention it around him, he gets extremely defensive." Bruce told her.

"Got it."

3/4 of an hour later, the whistle blew again to end the game. Malik came running over with his medal in his mouth.

"Bruce! Look what I got-" the boy stopped.

"Well done kiddo! I'm so proud of you!" Bruce put his hands on the boys shoulders and shook him.

"Uh- thanks" he mumbled.

"Aren't you going to say hi to madi?" 

"Hello." Malik said quietly.

"You do remember me, don't you?" Madeline asked.

"Of course he does, he's just shy." Bruce poked him in the side.

"No I'm not!" Malik smacked his hand away.

"I see what you mean by defensive now." Madeline giggled.

"What is she talking about? What did you say to her?!" The boys eyes widened as he looked up at the man.

"Calm down Malik." Bruce laughed, "where are you off to now madi?" 

"Nowhere, I stayed at my friends house last night, I'm here because her brother was playing." She replied

"Come back with us if you like." Bruce said.

"I think I will. Only if we can go out for food, to celebrate Malik's win." 

"I don't see why not." 

"I need to go to the toilet first, you can decide where we eat whilst I'm gone." Madeline said.

Malik knew what was coming next.

"Do you need the loo before we go Malik?" Bruce asked.

"No." The boy replied, walking off towards the car.

"Alrighty then...we'll wait in the car madi." 

As Madeline finished up in the bathroom, she wondered why Malik was being so quiet. He'd always been shy, but not cold. He'd just scored the winning goal, and yet seemed to be in the worst mood ever. Was it because Bruce had invited her back with them? 

Madeline opened the car door and climbed in. "Where are we going then?"

"Pizza?" Bruce suggested.

"Sure" Madeline replied.

"You alright with that Malik?" The man asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

-sorry for not updating in a while! The next part will come quicker. Thank you for being patient.

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