Chapter 3

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Pulling his hoodie over his head, Malik walked into the living room where Bruce was waiting for him. 

"I'm ready" he said, avoiding eye contact with Bruce as he was still incredibly embarrassed by this mornings incident.

"Alright, let's go then...Malik?" 

"Yeah" the boy replied, looking down at his phone 

"Do you need to use the toilet before we go?" Bruce asked 

"Bloody hell I'm not a baby Bruce!" Malik's face turned pink

"Nobody said you were! I'm just making sure.." The man laughed 

"Yeah well I don't need you to make sure I know when I need to go thanks" Malik snarled 

"Alright alright go get in the car then"

Bruce decided to make a day out of their shopping trip, taking Malik to get other things he needed or wanted. He saw this as a good way to spend time with the boy. At dinner time they decided to go into one of the little cafes near the sea, and afterwards they went for a walk along the beach.

"Keep hold of that coke bottle Malik, don't be leaving litter on the beach" Bruce instructed 

"Alright alright" Malik looked down at the empty bottle in his hand and wondered how he'd drank it so fast without feeling sick. He didn't feel sick at all, but he did feel something else as his ears were filled with the sound of the waves crashing into the sand. He thought about asking Bruce if they could find a toilet, but scratched that idea when he remembered their conversation earlier, and how he told Bruce he wasn't a baby...which he wasn't. 

"We'll go back to the car now Malik, it's getting late." Bruce said as he looked at his watch, which read 8:06pm, "almost your bedtime!"

"Are you mad?!! How old do you think I am?" The boys jaw dropped, "I don't need a bedtime."

"I was joking, you're such a baby sometimes" 

"A BABY? HOW" Malik was getting frustrated 

"Doing that! You know what they're called Malik? TANTRUMS!" Bruce laughed 

"Whatever" the boy replied with an eye roll

They got in the car and Bruce began driving home. Malik could feel all the coke he'd drank going straight into his bladder and loosened his seat belt a little bit. After 10 minutes, his need was much stronger, he deeply regretted drinking anything all day. He fidgeted trying to get comfortable in his seat, but nothing worked, there was still pressure on his bladder no matter how he sat. 

Bruce noticed the restless boy In the corner of his eye, "you alright there?"

Malik stopped wriggling whilst Bruce was talking to him, "yeah..why wouldn't I be?" He replied, feeling not only embarrassed, but very stupid for not going before they got in the car. Now he debated whether he should tell Bruce or not.

"You're dancing around like you've got ants in your pants, boy" 

"Na I'm fine..just tired" He lied 

Every speed bump they drove over made Malik's need worse and worse, until it was impossible for him to sit still.

"Bruce...I need the toilet" he told the man

"You'll have to hold it, we've not long got in the car though Malik surely you don't need to go that bad, you can hold it can't you?" Bruce asked concerned 

"How long?" Malik fidgeted furiously

"Around..30-40 minutes? Depends on the traffic really-" The man replied

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