Chapter 11

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The front door opened

"Malik! I'm back." Bruce called upstairs.

Malik came down the stairs to see Bruce waiting at the bottom, with a bag in his hand. He handed the bag over to the boy.

"Go try them on."

"I don't want to" Malik groaned.

"I know kiddo, but they won't feel any different to your normal boxers, just slightly thicker as they're more absorbent."

Malik took the bag upstairs into his bedroom where he changed into the pants. He walked over to the mirror and cringed at what he saw. The boy quickly pulled his pyjama pants back over the 'absorbent pants'.

They felt strange. They were warm and soft, and there wasn't much space inside, which was quite uncomfortable at first. At least they weren't too noticeable.

Malik came back down the stairs and sat back on the sofa to play his game, Bruce was sat on his chair reading. 

"So? Are they ok?" Bruce asked

"Mhm" the boy replied, keeping his eyes on the tv

"Good, remember Malik, they're not a punishment, they'll benefit you."

Malik nodded but continued to look at the tv. 

"Right, I'm off to get in the shower," bruce said 


The man stopped at the door, "do you want to try and go to the toilet before I get in?"

Malik fidgeted before nodding his head.

"Good boy" the man patted him on the back as he followed him up the stairs.

The boy stood in front of the toilet for a good 5 minutes. Nothing. Bruce was waiting outside with his things and it was silent. He knocked on the door, "Malik, if you don't need to go it's alright you know".

He unlocked the door and looked down at his feet.

"I'll leave the door unlocked, just come in if you need to, okay?" The man said, lifting his chin up. The boy nodded and went back downstairs.

Malik went back to his game, he tried to distract himself and forget about what he was wearing as it made him feel vulnerable, and he hated feeling like that. But suddenly, he was back where he was yesterday, wetting his pants and the sofa uncontrollably and without any warning. He felt the warmth spread around his crotch and under his bum. He put his head in his hands and prayed this wasn't happening, not again. 

Standing up, he felt urine pouring down his legs, it was leaking. Tears streamed down his face as he turned to look at the sofa. There was a wet patch on it, but it wasn't as big. He wanted to go upstairs and tell Bruce, but he didn't know how, and was far too embarrassed, so he waited for him to come downstairs.

"Ahh Malik. What am I gonna do with you, hey?" The man sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug. 

"I'm so so sorry" the boy choked on his sobs.

"Come on now, don't be silly" he pushed the boys overgrowing curls out of his face and dried his eyes. "Take those off and go jump in the shower, we need to go shopping"

The boy stayed where he was.

"Malik. Shower. Come on." 

"I don't want to. I'm sick of getting in the shower all the time. I'm sick of not knowing when I need the toilet." 

"I know, but surely you're getting sick of standing there in wet pants too?" Bruce leaned against the door frame.

Malik sniffled and shrugged.

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