26. The time when I almost lost It

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My wolf has been in constant distraught ever since our separation from Jane. The continual rolling events that have followed have done nothing but make him anxious and on the verge of challenging me for dominance. His instinct is to protect his mate, and when the news came of Jane's beating, he went wolfshit crazy. I lost the reins for a while, letting him kill everyone present without a second thought—wreaking havoc on the entire place until it was left abandoned with rotting fragmented bodies.

Rogard had always been an issue for me. I don't particularly care for their customs or ongoings, but the High Council insisted it was a place that was needed in order to keep our people in line. That the threat of knowing what went on there was enough to detour any shifter unless you had a death wish. Humans are never privy to such torture. That is one thing I forbade. They could never survive a lick of treatment that the past Warden would inflict along with his guards. I honestly thought if I kept Jane furthest away from the horror, in a secured cell for a few hours until I worked out a fortified, believable plan to make it look like I used her, it would be fine.

I was so fucking wrong.

As a result, she died in Callum's arms. He was somehow there and saved her from death—not once, but twice. As grateful as I am, the question of why continues to plague my mind. I've grilled him and even read his mind, and it's always the same answer—one of his mistresses called to him in distress, and when he arrived, he found Jane. He had no idea she was essential to me but insisted the act to save her was utterly innocent and only knew I had been with her a few hours earlier. He scented me, and that scares me. He knows she's a weakness. He's had his mate inconspicuously asking about the human girl with the freckled body, and the packmates were all too happy to divulge the many events since Jane's arrival.

In a show of indifference, I recanted from my mate altogether. Having the most impartial individuals shop and set her up in a flat in Glendale Creek. Originally, I wanted her closer, but with Reeva's return, Jane is safer and has access to several escape plans—if it comes to that.

In the interim, I ensured she had everything she needed to fulfill the bogus debt she was tasked with. I personally called in the clothing, toiletries and little extras from my neighbouring territory. I wanted no one from Sweetwater privy to what I gifted her with besides the required equipment. It doesn't remotely cover my absence or what she's been through, but I promise to make things right with my fated mate one day soon—I hope.

I stand by my desk and watch from the corner of my eye as Jane nods, playing the submissive well as Reeva goes over the plan for tomorrow night. Swirling my drink, I lift the scotch to my lips and pretend to drink, only to turn and look out the open window and spit before wiping my mouth with the hanky I've sadly come to rely on for more than this reason. I've caught on to one part of Reeva's game... she's been trying to drug me—once again.

It began almost from the onset of her miraculous arrival. "Si?" I turn and smile the pompous ass grin I've always given her. Her beautiful face mirrors mine. Games. All fucking games. "We're about ready to start." Looking at Jane, she's over by her camera, adjusting the tripod and zoom.

"Human," her eyes flick to mine. Fuck, how could I ever have forgotten how stunning she is. Her dewy eyes watch me with concern before she remembers herself and drops those damn breathtaking honey-hued beauties. "Could we offer you a drink?" She reaches into her nearby bag and shows me a stainless-steel bottle decked out in funky colours and designs. I thought of her when I had it ordered, along with a bunch of other frivolous items that I hope would put a smile on her face. I know she's going through hell—I can feel it radiating off of her. "Okay."

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