Chapter 15

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The boys came over to my cafe just before I closed it fully. Since tonight was movie night, they picked me up from my house this morning so they can just take me to theirs after work. I wasn't complaining, a day that I don't have to drive is a good day.

"So who are you gonna ride with?" Han asks me as I'm cleaning up the counter.

To be honest, I wasn't sure. The first car had Channie driving, and Hyunjin, Han, and Jeongin riding as passengers. In the second car, Minho was driving, with Changbin, Felix, and Seungmin as the passengers. It was a difficult decision, I don't know what car is louder.

"Ummm, I think I'll ride with Channie and y'all this time." I smile at him, but notice Felix pouting at this out of the corner of my eye.

Dropping my rag, I walk over to Felix leaning over him in his seat, hugging him around his neck.

"Don't be sad, sunshine! I could sit with you at the house, or if you wanted to be the one to drive me home after..." I give him a look after I peck him on his cheek.

He smiles before shaking his head teasingly at Han. I laugh at their interaction before returning to my spot and finishing the cleaning.

Closing doesn't take long after this, and soon I'm walking out of my cafe after turning the lights off.

I follow after Channie, who is swinging his keys around his finger, catching them before he unlocks the car. The other boys tell me to take the front seat, but I know Hyunjin needs the leg room of the front seat, so I sit in the middle with Jeongin behind Channie and Han behind Hyunjin.

Channie backed out first, leading our two cars back to the house with no animals. The entire way home, Han was singing at an incredibly loud volume, but he was singing to me so it was hard to keep my laughter in. Hyunjin was just nodding along to the music with Channie and Innie was in control of the music, so he had his eyes on his phone a good bit, looking up every so often to check if I liked it.

I started thinking about how this is the first time I'll have gone to their house. They were always coming to mine to pick me up for their individual dates so it'll be nice to get some insight on how organized they keep their stuff. You can usually tell a little bit about someone's personality by how clean or organized they are.

We quickly arrived to the house, Chan opening and pulling into the garage with Minho following and parking next to him. Well, they can fit two cars in a two car garage so I would say that's pretty clean. They turned their cars off and Chan closed the garage door behind the cars. We all slowly unloaded ourselves from the car before following Channie into the house.

The living room was really nice. There was a dark gray theme throughout the room, but had a good amount of accent colors. They had a large L-shaped couch as well as my favorite kind of chair, and large circle that can spin. I practically ran and claimed that spot as my own as soon as I spotted it. I could hear some of the boys chuckle at my actions, but nobody spoke out against my choice of seat.

The boys went and unloaded some of their stuff, going into rooms and changing into comfier clothes. The action immediately brings my attention to the fact that I didn't bring extra clothes with me, but never fear, cause Hyunjin ended up bringing me some of his clothes to change into.

 The action immediately brings my attention to the fact that I didn't bring extra clothes with me, but never fear, cause Hyunjin ended up bringing me some of his clothes to change into

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