Chapter 13

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The sign on the door to "Cute Little Cakes" said the shop was closed, although anybody looking in would see the eight men sitting in the dining area of the shop while I worked on the closing operations to my little bakery cafe.

I had given them the drinks and treats that they had ordered before I began my process, my student employees having finished their shifts 30 minutes before closing so they wouldn't be here too late and also because it doesn't get that busy at this time. The boys came in not long after they had clocked out and left for the night, paying for their food and drinks before finding a booth that sat all of them while they waited for me to be done.

I'll admit I was super nervous. I knew how they felt and I knew how I felt but I still was scared. Anxiety visited me often on how it could possibly work. I took my time closing, so I could prepare my words and the questions that I had and needed answered before I could give them my final answer. I was starting to feel like an investor on that shark show.

When I finally finished my closing operations and made sure that my stock order had been put in for ingredients, I slowly made my way back to the front of the shop, grabbing my own iced coffee and little cake I had prepared minutes before as I approached their table.

Pulling up a chair, I could feel all of their eyes on me as I had heard their conversations slow.

"Hey babygirl!" Chan had welcomed my arrival with his comforting smile. It took a little bit of the nerves off of me. Only a little bit.

"Hey guys! So, I just wanted to say that I enjoyed all of our little dates and getting to know every single one of you," I look around the table and make eye contact with them as I say this, "You guys are really sweet and I have my answer, but before I can give it to you I just need you guys to answer a few questions for me so I can be sure on what I might be getting myself into..." I trail off as I glance around the table again, seeing them all nod slowly showing they understand.

"Of course, we'll try to clear up any confusion and anxiety you might have about this relationship." Chan nods back at me too, glancing around at his partners in love and work to make sure they're all listening.

"So my first question is, are you guys going to be jealous? I'm not sure how my time will be able to divide evenly between all eight of you, as well as what I do with my business and I just want to make sure we'll all be on the same page." I had to clear this one up first. It was the main thing running around my head, dividing my time between eight men and my new business that I want so badly to succeed with.

"I can answer that," Minho spoke up first, surprising me. Chan was right, he's not as antisocial as he seems, you just have to get to know him first, "We don't really get jealous very often, since we know that we're all together and we chose each other and it would be the same with you. So there wouldn't really be any jealousy among the nine of us, but I speak for myself when I say that I get jealous when other people try to flirt with what I know is mine."

With his words a few of the others nod their heads with what he said, a couple of them expressing that they feel the same as he does with outsiders. Jisung, Changbin, Chan, and Hyunjin were the ones who verbally spoke that they get jealous with outsiders as well.

"Well that answers that question," I giggle a little with that, my nerves decreasing much more with that assurance, "I can say for myself that if I am in this relationship with you all, I am only with you. I will get jealous though with others like you said though. But my next question would be about if it comes to the stage of families, what would be said? I don't know how my parents would be able to understand me being in a relationship with eight men."

I have a bit of a guilty look on my face, knowing my parents were very traditional with certain things. They accept the LGBTQ community, but they don't know much about polyamorous relationships and I can't see them taking it very well.

Seungmin clears his throat, preparing to speak, "We understand that problem fairly well. If you think they might not be as accepting of it, whenever we first meet them, you can choose one of us to be 'the boyfriend' while the rest of us are just known as close friends. I know a couple of us had to do so with our parents, me included, so it's something we've all talked about and we know it's not a 'normal' relationship so we can understand there may be adversity to it." He sends a reassuring smile my way, causing me to lose a lot more of my nerves with that question having been answered.

"I think most of us chose Chan as the 'front runner' -I guess you could call it- of our relationship. He's good with talking to people, families especially, so while you could pick any of us, he is probably the most prepared for relationship questions." Felix gives me this information, and speaking it out loud I noticed that Chan blushed from the compliment.

I nodded to show that I understood what they were saying, "Well that was the second most important question out of the way. The last one that I have might be weird, but I need to ask it in case it gets to a certain point in the relationship," I look at them and they nod, "When it comes to more of a physical relationship, I need to know that you guys have been tested. I haven't had any sexual relationships in the past two years and I am currently clean of anything that could affect any partner I may have. I just need the reassurance that we'll all continue to be tested if we were to get more... active? I don't know if that's the best word, I just want to make sure we're being safe." I finish my long uncomfortable request.

"Don't worry, we get tested regularly to make sure we're all still being safe. And because I believe you may be having questions about it, I'll go ahead and answer another question. If you don't want to be physical with more than one of us at a time, we understand and we wouldn't force that on you. We want you to feel comfortable at all times. So when it comes down to us beginning to be more 'active' with each other," Chan sends a teasing smile my way with his words, "We can have another conversation about limits and what we are all comfortable with." The boys nod to confirm what he said looking back at me.

I nod, grateful that he answered the question without me having to spit it out in the middle of my cute little bakery. I'm not sure if I would be comfortable with it and I'm not sure I wouldn't be comfortable with that situation, I'll just have to let it happen naturally to find out.

"So, noona, what do you say?" Jeongin looks at me with his wide eyes.

"Will you be our girlfriend?" Jisung finishes the question for him, his cheeks stuffed with his food, Chan hitting him in the arm for speaking with his mouth full.

I look over at Changbin who hasn't said anything to answer my questions but has shown that he's been paying attention by keeping his eyes on me and gauging my reactions.

"We promise to take care of you if you choose to do so." He looks me in the eyes as he says this, his sincerity showing through.

I can't help but give a small smile before preparing my speech for them, "I've known you all for a little over a month now, and I have to say it's been amazing getting to know you guys. You're all sweet, and affectionate in your own ways, and I believe you've all begun to find a spot in my heart anyways. I know this is probably going to be difficult, and I have to warn you that I haven't been the best with relationship, but I would like to try my best with you all," I glance around them, all of them beginning to light up with my words, "So yes, I would love to be your girlfriend and begin this journey with you."

I don't have much time to smile at all of them before the younger ones begin to tackle me into a hug, the older ones quickly joining in and wrapping me up in a giant hug of warmth.

I believe that these boys can be my safe space, and I'm excited to give them the chance to show me what I've been missing and needing in my life.

A/N: WOOT WOOT!!! It's a big happy relationship! We have made it to the most important part of the book and from here on it I believe it will be easy for them. We'll see.... But I do want to say that when we get to the smut writing, this is my first time writing smut so take it easy, I may think and breathe in smut but I'm not sure how well my writing will be. Also just want to let you all know, that I do not plan on writing smut between the boys, I am a female and have no experience on how gay sex would be performed properly or what would feel good and what doesn't so I will not be interacting with that very much. There will be more than likely allusions to the activities they may do, but I won't be going into detail so you can think of those situations yourself. As always, I appreciate all the support you have given me in writing this book, it has really kept me motivated to keep writing it. I hope you all have an amazing day!

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