Chapter 14

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"SHIT! That fucking hurts." I couldn't keep in my shout.

Chan laughs, "It's a tattoo. What did you expect?"

"I've gotten tattoos before, but this shit is painful."

For context, I'm currently getting a tattoo on my back, and this shit was hurting like a bitch.

I could feel eyes on me and turn my head to look out my peripherals to see Felix leaning against the door again. He was quietly laughing at my pain.

"What are you laughing at, Sunshine. You can't even stand a pinch." I have to go after him since he finds my pain funny.

"You normally take the pain better than this, Angel." He smiles at me before moving around the table and crouching down in front of my face, giving me a peck on the lips.

"It's different cause it's on a thinner layer of fat." I whine. "When do I get a break?" I look back at Channie.

"In 3... 2.... 1! I'm giving you a break before I start shading so take your time. Specifically 10 to 15 minutes." Chan explains to me after finishing up the outline. I nod to tell him I understand, and put on the robe they gave me so I can leave Chans work room.

Felix immediately hops into another question, "So you gonna get another piercing??" His big eyes looking at me, almost pleading to let him put another hole in my body.

"You know what," I look at him, "Sure, let's do it." I nod my head in approval and follow him back to the front desk to fill out information on the piercings.

After I filled out the paperwork, I followed Felix to his little piercing area, and we discussed the placement and the jewelry, allowing me to see what it would look like together on a model and made sure I was okay with the placement of the piercings on my ears. After confirming all of those things, we got right into it.

Felix was super sweet throughout the whole process, checking in between piercings to make sure I was okay, asking if I needed water, talking to me to keep my mind of the fact that he was sticking a needle through my skin and cartilage. I could tell he cares about his clients and his work a lot.

After we were done, he gave me a little sheet with the aftercare information for the piercings, and gave me a small bottle of solution to take home to clean them with.

"You were really chill, did any of them hurt a lot?" Felix asked me as he led me back to the front of the shop, hand on the small of my back.

"To be honest, not really. I've always had a very high pain tolerance so that's why I've been able to sit through tattoos and piercings the way that I do." I shrug, "One time, when I was learning how to ride a bike, I fell off while riding downhill and scraped my knees really bad, there was a lot of blood but I didn't even really notice that it was as bad as it was until I got back to my house and my mom was yelling that we needed to go to the hospital."

He looked a little worried at my story, and some of the others who had been at the front desk- namely Jisung and Jeongin (who was currently doing homework)- had looked up terrified at my story.

"I was okay obviously, but now my knees don't get very tan in the summer because of the scarring. That's why I have tattoos there to help cover it up!" I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. "I drive a lot better on four wheels than I do two so nothing to worry about here!" I threw up a peace sign and a smile to calm them down.

Jeongin shook his head at me before going back to his work, Jisung still looked a little freaked, and Felix had calmed down significantly at my reassurance.

"Well it's good to know that you can take a high amount of pain then..." Felix trailed off, and I flushed at what my thoughts immediately turned to.

"Anyways, is Chan ready to continue the session?" I look over to Jisung since I knew he was currently the one working the counter,

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