Mission Quest and Rising Up

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Okay, let’s check if I have everything I need. Hidden Blades? Check. Crossbow? Check. Throwing Knives? Check. And lastly, my great charms? Got it right here. Sadly I don’t have holy water so I can erase the slave crests the prisoners have, so I guess I will have to figure something out once I free them. Okay, I open the window, and get out, climbing to the roof. I take out the map that I may or may not have stolen, and see where exactly are Rabier’s domain. Wow, it could’ve been difficult to find, if it wasn’t for the fact that says “Rabier Territory”. Guess that Aultcray and Rabier are good buddies. The lands are some miles to the east of the kingdom. Okay, showtime. I extend my wings and fly to the dark sky, and with this clothes I doubt that people will see me.


After half an hour I see the place. I descend into the forest and land in a tree. Now, my best guess to where the slaves can be kept would be in the main castle, and normally, people would have to enter by the entrance because of the bridge. But with me, I can enter from anywhere. So I take a leap of faith and before I hit the ground I extend my wings and fly where I won’t be seen. Then I fly higher, landing on the wall protecting the castle, where I can see everything, but I get down on the ground trying to remain hidden. Not able to see anything from here, I move forward trying to find something. Once I do, I get to a clearing where I see a pillar with some symbols, okay then. I keep looking around, trying to find anything, and something catches my eye. I see some stairs going down on the ground, worth a shot, I guess. I was about to go down there, when I see the door opening. I get on top of it, and stick to the shadows. And here he is, the fat bastard himself, Idol Rabier. He gets out of there confirming that this is the dungeon where he tortures his prisoners. Behind him where two guards, one followed Rabier, and the other one stayed to close the door. I throw a rock behind him, once he looks back I take my chance to enter before the door is closed. Now inside the dungeon and with the door closed, I cast a spell to know how many people are in here.

‘As source of thy power, I order thee. Decipher the laws of nature and track any sound of my surroundings. Echo location!’

Once I finished my spell I heard whimpering, crying and other voices saying everything will be better. Well, they aren’t wrong. And if I’m correct, there should be at least 5, give or take. I ran through the hallway trying to find someone, anyone, until I came to a stop. A boy, wolf Demi-human, black hair with white tips. I take out my gloves and cast another spell that engulfs my hands in a golden aura that melts anything that I touch. I grab the bars and once they melted a bit enough, I enter the cell. Now I melt the boy’s chains and free him. He looks up to me tired and coughs. He then speaks to me, so I take out my notebook and pen.

???: W-Who are you?
Reed: *Me? I’m just a guy, and I’m here to help. So, I need you to tell me how many others are kept here, okay?
???: I-I think there 3, b-besides me
Reed: *Alright, for now rest, and don’t worry, once you wake up, we’ll be long gone, got it?*
???: R-Really?
Reed: *Yup, really*
???: T-Thank you…

After that, he closed his eyes, I checked his pulse to see if he was still alive, after all you never know, and after confirming he is still alive, I went to the find the others and take them back to this cell, there’s a window that I can open up and get through there, leaving this place. For good.


I have gathered everyone in this cell, but I have to act quick, one of them has some serious wounds, and if she doesn’t get treated, she might not make it. Not on my watch, motherfucker. I grab the bars in the window and start melting, and once they’re weak enough I rip them off the wall and leave them on the floor. Now I will have to take them one by one, given the fact that they are not in the best of conditions.

Shield's ShadowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon