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Quick A/N🎤: Ya I know I know but I did say in the announcement why nothing has come out yet. That and with a few friends (2-5) I am working on a new book. It won't be anything like this one it'll be an actual book so that means no y/n or an existing character. Sorry! It was an idea my friend had come up with when we were walking around so I mixed it with a current idea I'd say maybe in a few months the first chapter will be posted? Dunno

F/c- fav color
Also feel free to point out spelling errors

No one's pov
×.. ° --~🦋~-- ° ..×
7:27 p.m.
"Well I'm gonna go for a stroll around town. See you later." "Wait hold on turbo, don't forget your gun. Never know what could happen." Armaros rolled his eyes and made his way back to his room as Y/n continued to put everything in order. They had just gotten the last shipment of boxes with every last item. Armaros had offered many times to help, only to be threatened with loosing a few limbs.

After grabbing the gun and putting it away in it's holder, Armaros hastily said a quick bye and left the house, leaving Y/n confused as to why he left so quick while clutching the f/c duck lamp.

Armaros huffed and slouched his shoulders a bit after he shut the door and made sure his wing was definitely bound by the binder like wrapping. Fixing his beanie and posture, the angel set off.

He didn't know where he wanted to go but that he just needed some air as he was still caught up in what happened the night before. He knew Y/n noticed how he was acting rather off, however, Armaros had just said he'd been reflecting on life which wasn't completely untrue. He's hated lying to them as he knows Y/n wants to help but he decided not having them worry was for the best. Not only that but he isn't completely comfortable about sharing his experiences or what he felt.

Putting his weaknesses and aching heart into the hands of someone is the last thing Armaros wants to do.

The conversations from the night of the second incident always echoed in the back of the angels mind. Armaros decided to sit on a fallen log in the forest and just think. Rethinking every possible situation, Armaros sighed in aggravation before lighting a cigar. Exhaling the smoke slowly, the angel looked to the darkened sky in a mesh of trees as it reflected his mood. (Yah it's canon he smokes)

Why did this happen to me?... Was I really that naive to think I was going to succeed? Why do I feel forgein everywhere I go... Then again, I am one of the many outcasts. No one gives a shit who we are, our story, or our feelings, thoughts, and opinions. The world is cruel, unforgiving, and unforgivable. It won't suddenly change because you are feeling like shit. If anything, it'll only make things worse. Almost as if it wants to test how much you can take before you break and give up. That's just life. Something I had to learn the hard way... I could take action into my own hands and prove myself, and yet I don't know how.

We are both the villains in each others stories...

But there are good people on both sides of the tale. Who really is the villain?

Still gazing at the gloomy sky, Armaros felt a raindrop pelt the center of his head before little droplets began to fall. Armaros stood up and put out the cigar as the rain fell faster. He began to walk away from the log and tried to find the way out of the forest.

Suddenly a loud whip like crack rang out in the sky, shaking Armaros to the core as the rain began to fall heavy. He couldn't move. Armaros was gasping and breathing heavy as he felt tears at the corner of his eyes. The angels entire body was quivering violently at the sound of the thunder as each crack shook the ground. The weather showed no mercy.

The sound of the thunder, rain, and memories swelled up in Armaros' head as he held his hands up to his ears as all the noise gave him a migraine. The screaming, every word and insult traded, the shots, fear, rage, regret, hate, and most importantly, the lighting and the thunder. They all rushed in his mind as he began to walk faster than he originally was until he broke out into running.

My Angel (Armaros x winged reader) read descWhere stories live. Discover now