°•Happy New Years!•°

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Also because of a joke ZhonglisCvmSlut111 made on discord to me I will now be addressed as Author-kun or AK. If you have a problem with it....
fuck you- jk aloe you vera much ;)
N/n- Nickname

×.. ° --~🦋~-- ° ..×
8:28 am

"Good morning!~" Y/n poked the sleeping angel few times. Armaros groaned and turned over, trying to stay asleep. Y/n sighed and continued attempting to wake him. "Get up!!" "No." Eventually they tried shaking him, politely asking, threatening, and even bribery. "DUDE WAKE YOUR ASS UP!!" Y/n shouted as they tugged on Armaros' blanket. "Mmmm let me sleep more..." "NO GET THE HELL UP." "...mm...." That's it. Y/n thought as they picked him up, bridal style. They leaned down to Armaros' ear and calmly said, "Last chance. Wake. Up."

Nothing was said. "Okay." THUD! "FUCKING HELL!" Armaros exclaimed while sitting up. He rubbed his head as he glared up at Y/n, who wore a smug look. "I already hate that face so fucking much." After Armaros had said that, Y/n immediately had an idea. "OH WOW." They started was a dramatic gasp. "So you're saying you hate my face!?!" Y/n turned away to hide their smile. "WHA- Y- NO! I DIDN'T SAY THAT!" Armaros answered in a panic, standing up. "You don't like my face or you do?" Y/n asked as they turned back to him, trying to keep a serious face. Armaros fidgeted with his hands a bit. "All I was saying was that I hate that smug look. Not your face."

Still trying to keep cool, Y/n went to go leave the room. "Whatever you-" "...Wait-" Armaros grabbed their hand. Y/n turned to him with genuine curiosity. Armaros let go of their hand slowly as he casted his gaze down. "I-...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude like that." He paused a for a bit while Y/n listened and waited with patience. "I know I'm not the nicest person ever....but I'm trying....Please don't go."

Y/n couldn't help but tackle the angel with a hug. "YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY!!! I WAS PLAYING WITH YOUU!!" Armaros' breath hitched before he sighed in relief and returned the hug. "I'm not leaving, Armaros. It's gonna take a lot more to get rid of me." Y/n pulled away to look at him while taking his hand in theirs.. "AH- That reminds me." Y/n suddenly perked up as did a small portion of their wings. "Ugh hate when that happens. Anyways, come on!" They tightened their grip on Armaros' hand.

Before Armaros could even protest, Y/n had already dragged him to the living room, and sat on the couch. "Here, sit!" Y/n happily exclaimed as they patted the spot next to them. Hesitantly, Armaros sat down next to them as they pulled a big, fancy looking gift. "Merry Christmas!" Y/n held out the box to the angel as he examined it. The gift was a mat black box with shiny golden snowflakes and swirls, topped with a swirled black and golden bow.

Armaros gently took the box and placed it on his lap, running his fingers along the design. Meanwhile, Y/n watched in excitement and worry. Was it the right gift? They thought as he lifted the lid off the gift. Armaros' eyes immediately widened as he let out a small gasp at what was laying in the box.

A sleek black, professional violin with, of course, golden designs. "YOU DIDN'T!" Armaros exclaimed, struggling to contain his excitement "how'd you know?!?!" Y/n laughed and clasped their hands together. "Think I didn't see the worn out violin when I kidnapped you?" "So you admit that you kidnapped me?" Armaros said, slyly as they facepalmed. "I forgot we had a disagreement on that..." The angel laughed a bit before turning to Y/n. "Thank you so much, this was very kind of you but I can't accept it." "Why not?" Y/n snuggled into a blanket and continued to speak. "You're only person I know who can play a violin. Plus I can't just un-buy it. So accept it." "But I didn't get you anything. I didn't even remember about Christmas!"

"So? Your company here is great! Having someone to hang out with and talk to has been my favorite thing. Before I moved into town, I hardly made friends. So being able to spend time with you is more than enough! Plus I forgot Christmas all together with the moving-" Y/n pulled Armaros into a side hug. Armaros hummed and shrugged. "I guess your right. Nothing beats quality time. However, I'll only accept this on one condition." "And that is?" "Tell me the price of it."

⚫ ⚫ ⚫

"Welllll........ considering it being a professional black and gold violin....the price makes sense." Armaros raised an eyebrow, unfazed by their nervous behavior. "The price?" Armaros appeared more intimidating to Y/n. ".....3,000....it was originally supposed to be 2000 but because it was a custom order and was shipped from across the country, the price went up a bit... hehe-" Armaros sighed heavily and pinched the brim of his nose. "3k. What is wrong with you, Y/n." "HEY I MADE SURE IT W-" Y/n suddenly stopped in realization. "That was the first time you called me by my name." "Hm? Oh. Yeah I guess so." Armaros shrugged.

🦋⏳Time skip here by Armaros' wing⌛🦋

"Hurry up." "Listen chicken wing, you can't rush the process OF MAKING POPCORN." Y/n shouted in a playful, aggressive manner. "What did you just call me?" Armaros asked. BEEP! Y/n only shrugged in response and set out a bowl for the finished popcorn. "So what did you have in mind? Scary movies? Comedy?" "Horror 100%" (sorry if you don't like scary movies- Author-kun).

Armaros nodded and exited the kitchen as Y/n finished preparing the snacks for their Christmas movie night. They brought all the snacks into the living room and was about to call for the angel until they were suddenly hut in the face with a thrown pillow. "That's for kidnapping me." "MY GOD YOU WILL NOT LET THAT GO." Y/n threw the pillow back at him.

"WHO WOULD?!" Armaros and Y/n continued to have a massive pillow fight throughout the house, being careful not to break anything as it continued. "GET DOWN FROM THERE!!" "NO! GO AWAY!" "YOU STARTED IT!" Y/n yelled to Armaros who was standing on the couch. Armaros rolled his eyes and crouched down.

Feeling skeptical about what the angel might be trying to do, Y/n held a pillow up to their chest. "What are you doing?" ".....". Before Y/n could ask anything else, Armaros launched himself at them, tackling them to the ground. "AH-!" "Fuck you." Y/n flicked Armaros' head before pushing him off of them. "Jerk. Anyways, I'm gonna set up the movie and you do whatever." "I need to fix my hair..." The angel said in a shakey tone as he bolted to his room.

(In Armaros' wiki page, it's states "Armaros cares about his looks to the point that he will panic upon seeing his hair messy or something looking out of place. He will only calm down once he looks "presentable" again. This is due to a standard in Heaven where angels are expected to look their best")

Okay?... Y/n thought as they continued to prep the movies. Soon after, Armaros returned to the Livingroom and sat down on the couch. "So what exactly are we gonna do after the movie?" He asked Y/n who handed him a bag of chips and candy. They hummed and responded saying, "Well, we can set off fireworks for new years at 12 am. So, in 4 hours. It'll be a new year! New year, new chance at everything!" Huh. I guess so. The angel thought to himself.

"Alrighty movie time! Gotta turn off the lights first." "Mm." After they'd turned off the lights, and grabbed their snake, Y/n sat down next to Armaros and played the horror movie. "Fat snake." Armaros poked at pastas' stomach as she slittered onto Y/ns lap more. "DUDE!" "WHAT!?"

🦋⏳Time skip by author-kuns cooking⌛🦋

"Come on! It's almost 12!" Y/n practically dragged Armaros outside with them. "Alright, alright." As Y/n began setting up the fireworks, Armaros counted the minutes and helped prop up the last few fireworks. One minute...

Armaros set off half the fireworks and handed the lighter to Y/n so they could do the rest. As the two watched the fireworks, Y/n happily pulled Armaros into a hug. "Happy new year! And thanks for staying with me!" "Uhm... Happy... Happy new years, N/n." Armaros slowly accepted and returned the hug giving a small smile. "Oh! Let's make a pact! I swear to always be there for you and protect you! Do you swear to do the same?" Armaros thought about it for a minute and nodded. Y/n help up their pinky to him an chuckled a bit. Armaros sighed and wrapped his pinky around theirs before yawning. "Tired?" "Mhm." Y/n laughed and followed Armaros inside before going to bed as well.
×.. ° --~🦋~-- ° ..×
crawls into void with a bucket of ice cream.

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