°•A Fammiliar Face•°

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crawls out of my glass void

HOLY SHIT ITS LIKE I JUST DISAPPEARED FROM EXISTENCE IVE BEEN FOCUSING ON MYSELF AND CURRENT SITUATIONS tbh I forgot I was writing this- and Wattpad was being little shit- go ahead and checkout Vix_Writes stories, it'll be worth your time, I promise. Though, I'm not sure if he still writes-
Credits to Little_Miffin for inspiring me to write again.
Also this takes place in fall because I am in fall rn. I know a certain someone is in spring.

F/c= fav color

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I woke up to my phone blaring it's alarm in my ear. 5:00 am, the time read. Groaning, I sat up and turned the alarm off. I sat in the same spot for 4 minutes before finally getting up from the comfort of my blue covered bed(the only reason I put blue is bc blue is the most calming color). I walked over to the black dresser across from my bed whiles my feet fell like cinder blocks onto the wooden floor. After doing so, I entered the restroom and turned on the shower and let the cold water run as I got undressed. When I entered the shower, I immediately shivered as the cold water touched my scalp and dropped down onto my body, rising off the sleep from my mind.

As I continued to wash my body, I thought back to the man I encountered last night. Although he was indeed a fallen angel, he held a certain beauty. He had eyes like knives and yet, they were so full of sorrow. The more I thought about the man, the more I realized that I honestly wouldn't mind meeting him again. Pushing aside those thoughts, I began to lather my shampoo into my hair.

After i finished with my shower, I dried my hair and put on a simple black long sleeve shirt with a pair of jeans and my favorite shoes(can change if you want). Might as well throw in a scarf too, it is cold outside. I thought to myself as I grabbed my f/c scarf. Locking the door behind me, I exited my house and got in my car. Glad I am early. I let the car sit for a bit while the heater was on to warm myself up. After 15 minutes of warming up, I drove off to work on time and quickly started my shift. Since it was early in the morning, not many people were here but there was a few people though, they weren't ordering. They were the customers we got everyday. The café is always lively an hour after the café opens. The customers who weren't ordering were simply here to warm up.

The café is well known in town for it's hospitality to the customers, the seasonal specialties, and the cozy feeling that remained here as it is always accompanied by the kind faces of small families, couples, or just people. One thing that's for sure is that this place always has reacurring customers. The shifts here were pretty basic, however, the mix of the simpleness and the kind people always made it more worth it working here.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite person!" A cheerful called out. I looked up from what I was doing and saw one of my more recent friends. The voice was that called out was non other than Agoti. (Mhm. I wrote what I wrote. Got a problem? Come at me. I dare you) "Oh hi! How are you?" I said as I exited behind the counter and greeted him with a hug.

Agoti has been my first friend ever since I first moved here. I encountered him at a park. He started small talk, we clicked, one thing lead to another and now despite his busy schedule, we have a strong friendship. "What've you been up to? Still moving your stuff in?" Agoti said as he releasd from the hug. Doing the same I responded, "Yeah. Though it's getting easier because the big items already are in place. Just waiting on the rest of the smaller items" He nodded as a slipped back behind the counter. "So how's work been?" I questioned as a began to make is usual drink- dark chocolate, cherry swirl hot coco. (Based off his outfit-)

Agoti shrugged and simply said, "Eh busy but the same as always." I nodded. "And the fans?" "As usual. Can never catch a break without taking a picture or signing an autograph" He said as he slumped down onto the counter. I chuckled and shook my head. Finishing up Agotis drink, I rang up the price and he paid. Instead of sitting at one of the tables, he simply leaned onto the counter and took a drink of his hot coco, sighing in delight.

My Angel (Armaros x winged reader) read descOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora