
349 7 85

F/j- favorite juice
F/c- favorite color
F/m/n- favorite movie name

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1:46 pm
"OH COME ON PLEEAAASEE?!?!?" "No." Armaros responded in a cold manner as he turned away from me on the couch. Currently I was trying to convince him to do something with me but he was being stubborn as hell. That or he's still mad about earlier. As I walked infront of him to get his attention, I said, "you started it." Armaros abruptly stood up and spoke. "OH I STARTED IT?!?" He grabbed my shoulders. "YOU FORCED ME!" "You mean I tricked you?" "THAT'S SOMEHOW EVEN WORSE-"

⏳🍃Earlier. Like way earlier.🍃⌛

3:26 am

Riiing riiing. Riiing riiing. "Hello?" I picked up the phone groggily. Who In their right mind would call it this hour? "I'm calling just to annoy you." Armaros would. I thought to myself as I sat up and turned on the wall lamp above my bed "I should've guessed. Anyways besides from that, what do you want?" "I'm bored and I have litterally nothing to do besides annoying you." Armaros said with a sigh. I laughed a bit. "And how do you plan on doing that?" I asked trying to see if he actually can. As he thought of his response, I got up and walked to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed the carton of f/j.

"Mmmmm dunno, but I will some how." "Yeah sure sounds good." I responded before I took a sip from the carton. Armaros was having an audible keyboard smash moment as he aggressively questioned my answer. "Calm down Mr. Angry bird man." After I had said that I heard a slam before he shouted into the phone. "DO YOU WANNA FIGHT!? I WILL FIGHT YOU!!" I stifled a laugh before I said, "I will find you and kidnap you. I'm not even playing." "You won't." I chuckled a bit. "Maybe."

Armaros' pov
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Beeeep. They hung up. I guess that makes sense considering I did it first yesterday. I wonder why they choose to willingly talk to me. I began to think about them as I turned my lamp on (LAMP GANGGG). Y/n. Is this a new chance? Did our paths intertwine for a reason? Why did they want to be friends with me? Can this help m- CRASH. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud shattering. I shot up. What the hell was that. I thought as I grabbed my gun and quietly exited my room. Cautiously, I checked the house only to find a broken window in the kitchen.

There wasn't a rock, brick, or any object on the floor so the intruder didn't use a projectile. Though by the looks of it there is only a small amount of glass on the floor. I looked to the counter and saw the rest of the window as the cold air brushed against my face. Whoever did this used an object to break a big enough hole and cleared out the rest of the window.

I was lost in thought before my legs where kicked out from under me. "AH-!" I shouted as I fell to the floor with a loud thud. The intruder kicked the gun out of my hand and began to quickly bind my legs together. I thrashed around a bit until I was able to reach my gun. Before they could react, I was able to shoot the intruder in the leg. "FUCK!" Their yell was muffled but still audible. I tried getting up only to be hit on the head with something the intruder grabbed from their pocket. I started loosing my consciousness as they finished tying my legs together and my arms behind my back.

No one's pov
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After Armaros was fully out, they picked him up and carried the angel over their shoulder, to their car. After the abductor child locked the back car doors, they drove off to a greyish blue house. They parked and exited the car before grabbing the victimized angel once more.

×.. ° --~🍃~-- ° ..×
9:18 am
I slowly began to wake up as my mind was still hazy. Recalling the events that had occurred, I got a sharp pain in my head. I hissed at the pain and tried to move until it hit me that I was still tied up. Just fucking lovely. I was sitting on a chair but I wasn't tied to it. With that being addressed, without much effort, I fell off of the chair. Slurp. I looked up and saw non other than Y/n holding a mug. "Morning sleeping beauty." "Piss off, asshole." I said sharply as they walked over and sat on the floor next to were I was laying. "Need help up?" Y/n asked as they poked at my face. I moved my head away and rolled over to avoid looking at them. "You hungry?" They asked while laying their head on my shoulder. "....kinda." After I said that, the ropes on my arms and legs were cut off.

My Angel (Armaros x winged reader) read descWhere stories live. Discover now