8- Relief And A New Friend

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(TW: cussing, blood)

After about an half an hour Crow had finished. I pulled my wings up and looked at them. I nearly gasped in surprise.

Their so bright and colorful! And clean to! I can't even remember the last time they looked like that!

"Hey kid what's your name? Your obviously a new Vigilante working with Pyro and Void but I never heard your name." Crow asked.

"Mimic." I said quietly, still in shock.

"Mimic huh. Yea that fits I saw you copying that robbers Quirk earlier." Crow explained.

I nodded.

"You should get back to Pyro and Void they probably think you got captured or something since I chased after you." Crow told me suddenly.

Oh shit! He's right! Tubbo and Ranboo are gonna kill me when I get home!

"Your right! I gotta go! Also please don't follow me!" I yelled running to the rooftops edge.

Crow waved to me.

"I won't!" He yelled back.

I took off from the roof and nearly sighed in relief at how much easier it was to fly. I waved behind me at Crow as I flew away.

I was pretty far out from the apartments so I landed on a random roof and lifted up my wrist to look at the communicator.

There was multiple messages from both Tubbo and Ranboo asking if I was alright.


Tommy: I'm alright I got away from Crow sorry I didn't message back I was running from him. Can you teleport to me Ranboo? I'm at ########.

Tubbo: Oh thank god!

Ranboo: I'll teleport to you now.

A few seconds later there was a flurry of purple particles and Ranboo was infront of me still in his Void costume.

"Oh thank god your actually ok!" He yelled running over to me and pulling me into a bone cracking hug.

"Owwwwww R- Voiddddd! I'm fine! Just teleport us home please!" I whined.

After saying that Ranboo nodded and still hugging me, he teleported and the rooftops disappeared replaced with the plain white walls of our apartment.

<Crow's POV>

I was just doing my nightly patrol when I heard screams in the distance. I instantly changed course in that direction and found myself at a bank that was being robbed.

I was waiting for a good moment to swoop in when there was an explosion of purple particles and Pyro was there attacking them.

I was still about to swoop down there but was stopped when I saw a new person arrive behind him. He had Parrot wings and a tail feather.

I saw him fighting alongside Pyro when he suddenly jumped above Pyro's attack behind one of the guys and stabbed his arm.

What surprised me was he jumped back after stabbing him and pulled down part of his mask. After pulling it down he licked the blood off the sword.

What happened next appalled me though. After a few seconds he started using the robbers Quirk. He used it first to restrain the person who was the original owner of the Quirk.

After that he used it to pin down the three men who were about to attack Pyro from behind. He then used it to help Pyro restrain the two people he was holding down.

After that Pyro tied them all up and the kid walked over to some of the people in the bank and said something. After that a few of them left. Mostly the one's with children.

They probably don't want their kids being questioned

As Pyro and the new person left I flew after them. I was able to catch up to them with only a few flaps and some gliding thanks to my large wings.

I landed infront of them and tried to stop their escape. They were both able to slip past me though. I whipped around to chase after them. Pyro was a good bit away but I saw the kid was having trouble with his flight.

After changing my course to chase after him I used my Quirk to zoom in on him and saw what a bad shape his wings were in and how badly they needed to be preened.

It reminded me of Tommy. That kid who worked at the café Will had recommended to us. I had seriously considered yelling at him to preen his wings more but seeing as my wings were hidden that would have been an odd thing to yell about.

The kid wasn't in a fit condition for flying and he seemed to learn that the hard way, partly crash landing onto a random roof holding his wings gently and feeling his feathers.

I very slowly approached him.

"You okay? Your wings look they desperately need to be preened." I pointed out.

The kid tried to hide his wings behind his back as I stepped closer.
"Can I?" I asked showing him my recently preened wing then pointing at his.

He slowly nodded and I could tell how tense his wings were. Probably ready to take off if I tried anything. Not that I planned on it but he didn't know that.

I walked behind him and gently spred out one of his wings. They looked even worse close up.

"Jeez kid when was the last time you preened your wings!" I said surprised.

He stilled for a moment probably thinking of the last time he had preened them.

"A few months ago I think." He mumbled.

"Please promise me you'll preen more often." I asked while starting to gently run my hands through his feathers and pulling out the loose or broken ones.

I was done after about half an hour when I realized something.

"Hey kid what's your name? Your obviously a new Vigilante working with Pyro and Void but I never heard your name." I asked.

"Mimic." He said quietly, looking like he was in shock while looking at his freshly preened wings.

"Mimic huh. Yea that fits I saw you copying that robbers Quirk earlier." I explained, remembering the scene from the bank.

Mimic nodded.

"You should get back to Pyro and Void they probably think you got captured or something since I chased after you." I told him realizing how long it had been.

"Your right! I gotta go! Also please don't follow me!" Mimic yelled running to the rooftops edge.

I waved to him.

"I won't!" I yelled back.

He took off from roof and I could see how much better he was flying now. Mimic waved behind his back at me as he flew away.

I knew I said I wouldn't follow him but being a hero I kinda had to. Mimic landed on a random roof and lifted up his wrist to look at a communicator.

He messaged someone on it and like 30 seconds later Void teleported infront of him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Oh thank god your actually ok!" Void yelled.

Huh I wonder if their related. Void's acting like a worried parent.

"Owwwwww R- Voiddddd! I'm fine! Just teleport us home please!" Mimic whined.

After Mimic said that Void nodded and still hugging him, he teleported disappearing from the roof.

(Ello peoples long chapter todayyyy! plus! Early update to make you guys happy! 1211 words! ^>^)

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