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"You brought that on yourself. You thout you could keep your family safe but you can't, only one way to keep them safe, so let's get this over with with you lose another kid".
And it was silent after that, the three girls looked at each other, trying their best to look all put together.
The silent flew away as something exploded causing each one of them to fall on the ground. Their arms still above their heads.

Looking up, she saw fire.
After multiple gunshots and groans, a man fell on the ground, an arrow through his chest "It's mom!"
And the look in the man's chest was fear as he looked at the arrow.
"That's right, they are coming for you" the mna turned, glaring at Kiri receiving a hiss from Tuk.

"They will beat your ass".

The man came closer to the three, grabbing Kiri and taking the restrain off of her dragging her away, that lead the two young girls to call for her "Kiri!"

It was silent. The whole part of the ship was silent, T'sanya heard the sound of the falmes. That's all she heard.
She felt relief as soon as Jake made himself visible "Dad, Dad" he cut the restriner from her wrists immediately passing to the restriner around T'sanya's wrists she heard herself whispering multiple thank yous as he did.

"Where's Kiri?" he looked fantastically at the both of them receiving an immediate answer to his question, both of the girls gustured infrotm of them, T'sanya grabbed gently Tuk slowly placing her behind her as the man exposed himself, with a knife to Kiri's throat.
Kiri fatigued breathing, the mna held her strong against him, knowing there was no way she's liberate herself from him.
Jake was perfectly armed, a knife ready to attack.

"You already lost one kid today you really wanna lose another?" those words cut deep not just into T'sanya's body, but into everyone's body.
Kiri's, Tuks, Jake's.
Jake was about to lounge forward but that only made the man press his knife closer to Kiri's throat.

" Don't test me! "

" Just kill him dad! "

" Weapons down"

"Don't! Don't!"


Jake hesitated, his eyes full of fear for his daughter as he slowly bended down, leaving his only weapons on the ground and slowly stood straight up, the man instructed him to kick them away, twice. T'sanya did not take her eyes off of Kiri, the fear of losing another one she cared about was just building up inside of her.
The man reached behind him, throwing on the ground a restrainer, a spoke clear instructions "Cuff yourself".

"No, no don't hurt her okay?" T'sanya didn't recognize his voice, long hair, human, a mask. She guessed it was spider, them a yelled at him to stay far away as Jake cursed cuffing himself "You son of a bitch".
He was cuffed when Neytiri came in, grabbed the boy, Spider, pressing a knife to his throat, T'sanya was confused.

How could this heartless man care about a boy?

He flinched, at the sight in front of him, Neytiri didn't hesitate to speak "Release. Or I cut".

"You think I care about some kid" he shrugged and continued "He's not mine. We're not even the same species"

"Just please, please don't hurt her. Please let her go" said Spider.
"Don't kill him" said Kiri.
And that's when T'sanya knew that they care about each other, she could feel Tuk's racing heartbeat as she held onto her hand.

"A son for a son" she hissed and cut.
"I cut".
Spider was still trying to convince the enemy to let Kiri go and T'sanya was hoping from the bottom of her heart that he woul, but he didn't, or so she thought until Neytiri raised he knife and with a big gasp immediately the man released the knife from Kiri's throat, T'sanya took a step forward ready to go grab Kiri once he let her fall on the ground.

"Kiri" T'sanya grabbed her arm pushing her backwards, away from the man.
Father and son shared a look, Neytiri was full of rage, her eyes and body spoke for her instead of words and let Spider fall on the ground.
The two daughters made their way toward Spider as T'sanya followed.
"Get them out of here!"
"Come on let's go" T'sanya began but Neytiri seemed to hesitate "I owe you a death" the man commented, thinking himself of a funny man, which, he lacked of personality.

Tuk grabbed her mother's hand as T'sanya was beside Kiri ready to dive in the water and see her sister or brother, she just needed a hug from one of them, just one.
And as they slowly got into the water they still looked back, waiting for Jake.

"I'm coming for you when I do kill all your family".
When T'sanya was in the water, it felt like she hasn't touched it in a life time, but everything was different, the sky people burned it.
He ran toward the man and they started fighting "Come on we have to go" T'sanya urged but flames were taking over the surface of the sea, and right when she thought she'd be able to escape hell, we found herself in it, T'sanya was the first to get back on the boat, reaching both of her amrs out for one of them to take, helping them getting on the ship, and once all of them found themselves on the ship a whole inside of the ship took Tuk away leading her mother to follow her.
"Come on we have to go!" the young boy said, tugging Kiri by her arm as kiri placed her hand on T'sanya's wrist before they were dragged away.
The floor was slippery, as many things were being fed to the sea, the ship was sinking, they went over things and under things, flames were burning behind them.

The three ran up a part of the sinking ship, Kiri slowly falling back in the ship was stopped by T'sanya grabbing her arm "Kiri!".

"This way! This way!"
"Come on!"
They stopped for a second as the ship slowly sank the three of them grabbed one another's arms and the last thing they heard "Stay together!"
That's what they did. They stayed together.
They went in and went back up to the surface, but kiri wasn't with them.
T'sanya was about to call for her name again, although it wasn't necessary as she came back to surface.

The ship beneath them lit up.

It was Lo'ak.
"Mom and dad are down there!"
Lo'ak turned to T'sanya, and T'sanya looked back at him "Is T'sanya okay? Is she hurt, where is s-"

"She fine. You should-You should go to her. Now. We'll be fine."
T'sanya hesitated giving him a are you sure look.
"Are you su-"

"Yes, San. Go."


.How beautiful it is to stay silent when someone expects you to be enraged with them. And how beautiful it is to laugh when someone thinks you are going to shed tears. - By Mahmoud Darwish.

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