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T'sanya learned she must appreciate everything around her and everyone around her when she once understood nothing lived forever.
For example, if a hut burns down, the fire takes away all the smiles that were smiled in that hut. It takes away the laughs, the tears, the anger, the sorrow.
It takes away its memories , the moments lived in there.
Then you try to build it, you do and it looks the same. But it feels different, you have to yet create memories once again.

With someone, if someone's gone, they are gone. You can't help, you can scream and cry all you want, they won't come back, no matter how hard you long for them, no matter how hard your heart and soul hurt, it stays the same.
But this time, you are different. But this time, with memories. Memories that won't fade away. That someone will live inside of your head, will forever be that someone, they won't change, the way they smile won't change, the way they laugh won't change, the way you envision them looking at you won't change.
That someone becomes memories, and lives inside of you creating a new you.

Everyone is made out of memories.

And T'sanya learned the day she almost lost Zanya, she started being with Zanya every single day of here life. She never thought about not spending time with Zanya, because Zanya wasn't just some creature to her, to help her go from somewhere to somewhere else. She was a friend. A genuine and pure friend.
Once made the connection Zanya felt her and T'sanya felt her friend, the emotions, the pain, the happiness, energy, strength, they became one.

And from that day, she didn't just stay near Zanya, she made sure the ones she loves are safe, always wanting to know where they were, how they were.

The day after the accident, Aonung approached his little sister.
Seeing her standing ashore, her feet deep into the sand, while the water touched her ankles, her eyes closed feeling the wind around her.
Aonung reflected her action and stood beside her, closing his eyes.
He wanted to speak so he did "You were crying yesterday"

"Are you here to make fun of me or-"

"I want to know, if you know, you were okay, after all you're a kid"

"I'm a year younger than you, Aonung. Yes I am okay, just, accident. An accident happened yesterday, nothing important"

"Can I know?" he asked hoping she would answer yes instead of no. So he waited, squeezed open his right eye to look at her, then closed it after she opened her mouth ready to speak.
"It's not important, Aonung-"she tried to think of something, anything. She just wished to not speak the truth.
"My foot got stuck between two rocks yesterday, so you know I panicked and hurt myself. I disobeyed father and mother by going over the reef. Now everything's okay." she lied and hoped he would believe her. He did and slowly wrapped his arms around her, it wasn't something they'd do, but it felt nice.

She felt okay.


.I wrote the name of the one I loved on the wind.
I wrote the name of the one I loved on the water. Little did I know the wind is a bad listener. And little did I know the water does not remember. - Poem by Nizar Qabbani.

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