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T'sanya did not have the courage to turn around, so Neteyam did it for her, he slowly unwrapped his arms from around her, gently grabbing her forearm, turning her to face him.
Thats when he caressed her cheek, she tried her best to look composed, no deep emotions, she really did feel asinine for feeling suck deep emotions only because she heard the words you disappoint me.

"You try to hide your emotions even though I can see right through you, T'sanya" he did not need to hear her words nor did she need to hear other words from him, they understood each other, he slowly took a few steps forward until their body touched, sending a warm feeling through their bodies, her head was now rested on his collarbone as his chin was rested on the top of her head.
"You want to know what I think?"
He whispered, his voice deep and smooth.

She nodded against his collarbone and fixed arms around his waist, hugging him.
"The only thing more incredible than your smile, is when you smile at me" he meant every word that came out of his mouth, causing T'sanya to look up at him giving him a small smile then he opened his mouth to speak once again "Or the only thing more incredible than your smile, is me. Not just the smi-" at that point she laughed "shut up" placing her hand on his cheek connecting their lips.

He didn't expect her to do that but he loved it, he loved how her palm was perfect against his cheek or when they held hands, he loved it when they were close enough for their body to touch making him feel feelings he had never felt in his life before.

He grew to love the way her lips moved when she spoke, the smile, the long hair almost hiding her braid, the glimmer in her eyes when she spoke about something she loved.

He loved the way she was willing to help him in everything from day one.
And since the word for what he feels for her didn't yet exist, he would use for now the word love.

"Let's get out of here"

- - - - - - - - - -

My spirit sister and her baby had been murdered by the sky people.
Her mother's words floated in her head, repeating, on and on.
And slowly came to realize it was their time.

Her mother lost a part of her, her spirit sister.

That day did not look alive, the whole sky and sea looked dead.

Reflecting the feelings everyone felt after the news.

T'sanya stood besides Neteyam, which again refused to leave her side.
Her sister on the other side had her head on T'sanya shoulder, shedding tears.
"This war has come to us, we knew about this hunting about Tulkun people but it was over the horizon far away, now it is here".

Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here.
Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here.
Now it is here.Now it is here.
Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here.

Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here.
Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here.
Now it is here. Now it is here. Now it is here.

"T'sanya, I See You"|| NeteyamWhere stories live. Discover now