𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼

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Yanna's pov..........

I sat in my room staring at the wall contemplating if I should go to work like I do every day. I work at a club as a stripper and have been doing so since I ran away from home 8 months ago. It was a hard but worthy decision.

I soon realized that I was still gonna go to work. Sitting here thinking was just wasting time, so I went into the bathroom and played my fave artist/baby daddy, Kendrick Lamar, before stepping into the broiling hot water in my tub. After stepping out I chose the dark blue set that sat on my body perfectly

I put on my Nike tracksuit before carefully doing my make-up and installing my wig. After 2 hours of getting ready, I grabbed my lunch and headed out the door on my way to work for another eventful night.

When I arrived at the club, I Was surprised to see how many people were there. It was a Thursday night, so I guessed everyone was just as ready for the weekend as I was. I walked to the locker room and began to strip out of my tracksuit when this bitch had the audacity to walk in with a scowl on her face.

Maddy and I went to the same school together from 4th grade until graduation and never in those long 8 years did, I ever like that lying ass hillbilly. The shit she's done to my best friend and just anyone is ridiculous, even for her age. She got held back once but refuses to believe that she's as dumb as she looks so, she tells everyone that her mom held her back because she was "too small"

Even though we grew up in a mostly white and Hispanic town and I was a little black girl she was still very jealous of my curvy butt and somewhat big boobs. I was the only girl in school with my slim thick body type and it made a lot of girls jealous and envious of me. Including Mrs. hillbilly

Even though she and I aren't on the best of terms, I still keep it cordial for the sake of my sanity and job. I was not about getting fired because of her and her games.

Before I could even process anything she made her way over to my locker. "Hey Yanna " she smirked. I Could already sense her BS loading up in her mind. " hello " was all I said hoping that she would pick up on my one-word answer and leave me alone, but judging the fact that she was still standing here she clearly didn't, or she did and just didn't give a fuck.

I watched her eyes trail over my body trying to find something out of place to comment on. I could see the rage and defeat in her eyes when she realized that she had nothing on me.

As much as I am self-conscious about my body, I still know that most men have their eye out for women like me versus Maddy who's a skinny redhead with no brain function.

After changing, I went out and met my best friend slash sista fa life angel. Angel and I have been friends since 4th grade. She was the new girl, and I so badly wanted her to feel comfortable and welcome. So, me being me went up to her and asked her if she knew how to do a cartwheel. Her response......" only if it involves falling ". After that, we hit it off really well and have been close ever since

" Sisssss "

" gurl, you look fine girl."

" Thanks, angel, so how has your week been so far?"

"It's been great so far; I was able to make enough money for rent with some extra on the side, hopefully, my landlord will stop trippin'."

"Angel that man is smitten for you all you gotta do is send a wink his way and he'll leave you alone."

"And what will happen if he doesn't stop, or it gets worse?" Angel says as she gives me a look of disbelief.

"Then we can catch him lacking' and curb stomp his ass, "I say with enthusiasm

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