A Festive Frock

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Luke's reasoning for disappearing so quickly was answered a short time later, as Gabriel insisted on helping her get ready for the day.

At first she had been a bit unsure, but he had been nothing but gentlemanly as he helped her wash her hair. It was a surreal moment, having someone be so gentle and caring as they massaged first shampoo and then conditioner into her long blonde hair.

Sang couldn't actually recall the last time someone had done something like that for her. From as early as she could remember – she had taken care of herself, including purchasing her own wash products.

But sitting there, with her head bent back over the bathtub, Sang closed her eyes and enjoyed the gentle ministrations as Gabriel hummed a tune she wasn't familiar with. He took a painstakingly amount of time to pamper her, including picking out her outfit the day – even if she wouldn't let him go through her bag to get it.

Blushing, Sang had ducked into the bathroom with her underwear before he has seen it and had a quick, luxurious shower that she could have spent all day in. But Gabriel's yelling through the closed door for her to hurry up cut her shower short.

She was also glad she had thought to bring her underwear with her, as she felt less exposed wearing it beneath her towel as he first blow-dried her hair and then curled it.

"Perfect, now hurry and get dressed." He told her as he left her gaping after him as he closed the bathroom door behind him. Shaking her head with a small smile, she grabbed her clothes and paused.

These weren't her clothes.

"Er... Gabriel?" She called out hesitantly.

"What's up?"

"Well... It's just that... these clothes aren't mine." She said, looking down at the thick pair of tights and beautiful soft pink, embroidery dress clasped in her hands. Fingering the mesh like material overlaying the soft cotton – Sang couldn't help but fall in love with the feminine dress, even if she knew it wasn't hers.

"What are you talking about – the dress and tights' are yours. Now hurry up and get dressed before we're late." He demanded as he walked away from the door. Hesitantly, she placed the dress and tights on the counter, and unlocked the bathroom door to pull it open.

Gasping as a firm, muscular back greeted her, Sang slammed the door closed as her cheeks flamed. But the image of a half-naked Gabriel was burned in her brain. Her heart skipped a beat as she remembered all the beautiful, pale skin on display – and butterflies took flight in her stomach.

Jesus – even his butt was tight and firm.

Groaning into her hands, Sang almost melted to the ground in mortification.

"Sang?" Gabriel called hesitantly through the door, and she could just imagine his face was the same burnt red as hers.

"Sang's on holiday." She moaned, pressing her palms into her eyes as if she could will away the image. The embarrassment of catching him half-naked wasn't even the worst part – it was the warmth pooling in her lower belly from seeing it.

Sang knew all of the guys were gorgeous, after all she wasn't blind. Hell, she even knew how attracted to them she was – but the full-on desire pebbling her skin was another kettle of fish.

How could she look him in the eye again after that?

"Sang, open the door – please." He murmured, and she dropped her hands and eyed the door like it was a snake about to bite her.

"A-are you dressed?" She stuttered, because there was no way she was opening that door if he wasn't completely covered.

"Yes." Sighing, she slowly pulled open the deadbolt – dread filling her as Gabriel pushed the door open. Keeping her eyes to the floor, she clutched her towel against her chest – suddenly feeling too naked for this confrontation.

A Christmas AccidentWhere stories live. Discover now