Chapter Four

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It was day three of them being trapped in the building, there wasn't any change in the storm outside, the city was dark as the electricity was out from most of the country, the younger countries were sitting in a small circle by some candles and chatting together while eating their breakfast which was made of some bread, salad, and lukewarm tea that they managed to make (unless you want to break your arm while holding the kettle to get the perfect heating).

As for both Reich and Soviet, they didn't talk ever since yesterday's events. Reich's degree got down well and he was now more of just warm and little coughs, which made Germany less worried and more able to sleep.

"Do your wings radiate warmth, Pol?"

"Not really..I mean, they shield me from the cold yeah but they are shaking as well." Poland opened his wings and looked at them.

"Can I touch them..?"

Soviet smiled a little as he saw his son touching Poland's wings and laughing at how soft they are.


"I'm tired.." South mumbled as he rested his head on North's shoulder, playing with his jacket zipper. "I just want to go home.." North frowned down at his brother and rubbed his back.

"It's alright, it'll pass.." North assured him which was as rare as a blue moon and helped him up. "Come on, let's go walk around the building like the others.."

"I'll join too.." Germany got up with the Korean siblings to leave the room and walk around.

Russia, America and Poland were out walking around the building and checking the upper floors as a change of atmosphere, and now another group left to look around.

Soviet and Reich stayed alone in the room and the atmosphere felt heavy. Soviet grumbled and took off his hat and brushed his hair with his fingers. "How are you feeling now?" He asked Reich.

Reich looked at his feet then out the window. "I'm better." He answered shortly, ignoring how shivery he was.

"You are freezing still." Soviet got up and went to the bile of clothes they have and took Reich's coat that has dried up and some other things. "Take these." Soviet offered but saw Reich not moving so he sighed.

"You really have time to act stubborn in this situation, don't you?" Soviet grumbled with a humor as he draped them over his shoulder and looked at him to see Reich was still looking down.


Soviet stared at him and looked away, sighing.

"I'm sorry."

Both stopped as they apologized at the same time and looked at each other and Soviet couldn't help a laugh.

"That'll be enough for me then." He smirked as he walked to the window and Reich watched him stand there while drowning in the warmth he's in until there was a sound of yelling and something breaking.

"What was that..?" Soviet asked, voice laced with worry as he got up to the door, Reich getting up as well to follow, ignoring his screaming body for him to rest.


America and Russia were both chatting while Poland was walking behind them and looked around the paintings on the walls of the building, admiring some and passing on the others, relaying on the dimly lit windows from the morning and the candle that he brought with him as the sources of light.

Everything was calm until Russia yelled and pushed America out of the way of something and the loud sound of broken glass and a thud rang around, then quietness, only the sound of the wind being there as Poland turned his head around and saw the sight before him.

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