Chapter One

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The meeting was...fruitless to say the least..the countries all couldn't agree to anything. Russia even decided to get off his chair and get some coffee, thinking to himself that it was better to have a five minute break by the old coffee machine then to stay here.

Poland sighed as he got off his chair and walked over to one of the windows and moved the curtains and watched the dimly lit city due to the heavy forming clouds and he took this as a chance to end the meeting.

"Everyone, I think it's better we end this meeting now..the weather looks dangerous." He pointed out the window as South came next to him and awed at the sight.

"What's the time?! It sure looks like evening already!" South spoke as Poland looked at his watch and it pointed at ten in the morning.

"Well then-" America collected his papers. "-we can continue the meeting in a week..we might even calm down by then." America said as he closed his file and got up only to stop when he heard a loud booming thunder, that made both Poland and South yelp and back away from the window.

And a second later, the roads were flooding with water.

" we're stuck here." Soviet muttered while standing behind the two frightened countries and seeing the people scattering away to safety.

"Stuck? Oh no, no no, I am not. I'm heading out." Reich got up as Germany looked at him. "Father know you can't..the roads are already dangerously soaked, i don't want us getting into a crash.." His voice was laced with worry while Reich seemed not to care.

"I think I'm okay staying here.." Poland mumbled as South nodded his head.

Russia was back in the room and handed his father a carton cup of coffee and sat besides him.

"The reception area doesn't look that great, I was there waiting the coffee and a second later the security was trying his best to lock the doors from the storm outside. I don't think we'll be leaving anytime soon." Russia shrugged his shoulder and that earned a growl from Reich and he sat down furiously, putting his head on the table.

"Great! Just great!"

North blinked his eyes at the German country and looked at Russia who looked quite confused by the sudden outburst.

'This is going to be a long storm..' America grimaced in thought.

At first things were calm, South would be staring outside at the storm and point out the cars that got damaged due to the rain and the water out there while Soviet sat in his chair with his eyes closed to rest himself.

Russia and American were balancing the empty cups of coffee as a source of entertainment, till it was late in the evening that Russia slept with his head on the table in the most uncomfortable way.

North was getting tired as well so he got up. "I'll go look around the rooms to find a place to sleep in instead of this meeting room."

"I'm sure there's a common room in this building." America go up. "I'll go look with you."

Poland South and Germany got up as well to join the search party, thinking that moving their body is better than sitting without moving a muscle.

Reich looked over at Soviet who's eyes were now open as he looked at his sleeping son and couldn't help but smile gently.

"Aw, papa looks proud." Reich teased as Soviet looked up at him, eye ice cold and the smile gone. "I'm just messing with you!" Reich laughed and got up, stretching his back as he got to the door. "I'll find myself a place to sleep at as well."

Soviet watched Reich leave the room and kindly turned off the lights, making Soviet chuckle and close his eyes, pushing his ushanka over his eyes and slept on his chair.


Russia woke up with a groan as he rubbed his neck and looked around, seeing his father was awake and having his legs in the meeting table.

"It's still storming..?"

Soviet looked over at his son who was rubbing his eyes. "Yes, didn't calm down once..the others bought some food from the vending machine that is nearby this floor, we can join them if you want."

Russia nodded as he got up, rubbing his neck and followed his father to where to other counties stayed.

Hours went on as the countries were in the common room either chatting on tapping in their phones and that's when suddenly the room was engulfed in darkness.

"Power's out.." America sighed as he got up. "I should check it out-"

Reich took that as a chance to tinker with something and busy his mind. "Let me do that, I might even try to fix it. Where's the power room?"

"I guess in the basement..? There's a map somewhere in the building..oh! And use the stairs for better safety than the elevator." America said as Reich nodded and got up to leave.

"Do you need any help?" Germany got up to follow his father who only waved his hand dismissively and walked out, letting the door close behind him.

Reich took the stairs from the where he was at, being the fourth floor, and saw a map that showed all the places in the building and said the power room was by the basement, then went all the way to check the main lobby and saw that the doors were closed and, even with them closed, the water in the lobby reached his ankles as he splashed it a bit and went back to the stairs to the basement and found that the water level wasn't any different.

His note about the building is that it wasn't bad, it had a big reception area and it was mostly a business building meant for meetings and all that. He remembers seeing a cafeteria sign by the map in the stairs that said it was in the second floor, he plans on telling the others about it once he's back. He hopes that it's still open, he'd rather have a full meal than some chips and snacks.

It didn't take long until Reich found the metallic door to the power area and got inside, closing the door behind him and didn't hear the small click there as he looked around the room.

The room was filled with big power system from computers to other systems that power the whole building. The only windows in the room were ones up near the ceiling where he could see that they were full with water from the flood outside outside as he cringed.

"Looks like an aquarium.." he muttered and grabbed a tools' bag that was attached to one of the walls and went to try to fix the power.

Time passed as Reich was still tinkering and fixing around until he heard a breaking noise and looked around him. "Hm?" He stood and walked around the empty room and the cracking sound got more and more and he looked up to see the cracking windows. "Oh no-"

He got to the door and once he tried to turn the handle it didn't budge. "What?! Hello?! Anyone outside?!" He screamed as he banged the door, the water rising inside as the other windows kept doing their best not to break. But it was only a matter of time.

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