part 4

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A thing you want to know about thesues is that,he is cold hearted he would not even give you an second glace if you were dieing well at least that's what "people" thinks

Tomm-thesues didn't want to turn out this way,he didn't even know how he turned out this way but one thing is for sure,it wasn't his choice


It has been some time after the passing of the beloved queen Kristen

Tommy didn't knew what was happening and why was his family being so mean to him

He has no idea why,wilby wouldn't play with him why techno would not read him story but would just always be in the training room and why his dad had no time for him

His dad and wilby were always busy for some king stuff as Wilbur is the the oldest but he would not listen to him ever he would always go to his room and play the guitar when mum was there sometime wilby would sing me to sleep when i would go to his room for comfort but he would only look at me with glare

Thought today i am gonna change that! I have made a paining of us! Of me,techno,wilby and mum is at the background looking at us

I had made this in hopes of them forgiving me for whatever i did thought i don't perticular know what happened which made them upset

It had been sometime since wilby or techno hell even king came to invite him for dinner

Though it never stopped him he has been skipping some dinner to work on his painting thatche wants to show them

Dad always congrats Wilbur and techno whenever they did something good thought dad never even give me glance when i do something good thought i am pretty sure he's just busy that's why

But they didn't even noticed my dissapearence from the dining hall maybe they forgot?

Though whatever as i was getting ready for the dinner

I was singing to myself as I was going through the hall,i have waited for this the whole week for this time!

I was himinh a tune that i heard mum hum whenever we would spend time together and she would play with my hair as I lay on her lap

I went to the dining hall and I see them already talking,a part of me break shit up Tommy you didn't expect them to wait for you the whole time did you? But the more part that broke me was that they hadn't even talked to me or even giving greeting the only thing i got from them are cold shoulders

Though don't worry Tommy "hey guys!" ok said pretty loudly

They look over me and suddenly there smile transform into sceowls and frown

I think i did something wrong? You stupid Tommy why did you said it so loudly! I yell in my head

"Tommy please don't fucking yell,i am going to have a headache!" Wilbur tells at me with a glare

I held my head low and just wishes that the tears don't spill,it hurts you know? To hear something like that from the person you love the most

I cluched the picture behind me and then dad called me "thesues-" i make a disgusted face I told him to not call me that, ut i really though that he would really fucking just hug me and scold wilby for telling at me but-

"I want you to go to your room" he said but i could see his teeths cluching together,but i wanted to give them the Pani ring that i made

"Bu-" before i could even finish my word "I said room,now! He yells as he slam his fork down on the table i flinch,hard i walk back to my room and whe. The walk turned to run i do t remember

I slam my door slides down it tears that i tried to not show slips out

I look at the painting i tried believe me i tried so hard to tearn but i could i look at the candle that was lit on the table I goo to it to burn but before i could it slips through my window and down i go toward the window but the price of painting is no where to found

I slips throught wall again,i heard a knock on my door "what do you want?" I ask rather harshly

"Tomm-price thesues i was here to check i heard some maid saw you run through you room i wanted to know if your alright" he ask he sounded concerned

"I am okay tubbo" i say "bu-" "i said i am okay tubbo!" I yell I could just imagine tubbo flincing at the sound

".....if you say so" then i heard some footstep sound come from outside my room

Oh god i am such an terrible friend why would I fucking do that! He probably hates me now!

I look out the window seeing the star
I fall asleep on the floor shivering cause of the cold


Heyyy good bye my sunflowers! Hope you injoy this chapter after all i had to write it 2 times if you font know what happened then go check my announcement

And from now on I'll call you guys sunflowers!

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