part 3

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The kingdom weeps as they saw there there emperess,a wife,and a mother of three die,peiting the royal family for there loss

3ty pov

Now thesues or Tommy as he insists for people to call him had a bubby personality,a person who could bring the  whole room to light just with only his laugh, and by head I mean is that the bubbly personality has been lost in time to not be seen

Thesues oh um sorry I mean Tommy also griefed and struggled he wanted someone to tell him that it was gonna be alright for fuck sakes he was five! But that didn't happened

In the grief the family pushed there burden in to the young child who didn't know why everything was falling apart why his wilby didn't talk to him and play with him,why is techie always locked in his room,and why dad stoped giving him that smile whenver he saw him


A lil 6 year old thesues run through the halls of the castle to get to wilby's room,he came to an udder stop infront of his(Wilbur) room

Now Tommy didn't know why Wilbur had been so upset lately and why did mom went away and choose to not come back also it had been like 2 or 3 month,Tommy just wanted his wilby to play with him nothing more nothing less

He knew wilby liked icecream and so does he so he may or may not have taken a small bite of the ice-cream but hey it was small and i also restrain myself from taking any big bites okay!

Tommy kock on the door three time i heard a shuffle from the room and then some footstep came towards the door Tommy look up at the 13 year old with a goofy smile tho he did not reseve a smile back instead he got frown in respond he informed like for the past months in run into the room

Tho Wilbur was quick but seems like Tommy was quicker as he runs i to the room and went into the room to put the ice-cream bowl on the desk beside the bed tho as he Wilbur tried to catch which made Tommy trip and make his ice-cream fall on the bed where a flower to be more specific a wooden yellow rose was placed.

Now if you don't know the queen has given every son of his a wooden flower she have given Wilbur a yellow rose to represent her love techno an blue iris to represent strenth and tommy got an sunflower,he always loved the garden and it was his favorite place in the whole castle,when Tommy asked why did he got an sunflower and not an alluim as it were his favorite this sunflower in the second she told her cause of his loyalty and cause she adore her lil babyat that time he got mad and told her he was not a child

Tho back to the ice-cream,the ice cream fell dramatically to the bed and getting on the flower,the face of horror that he made was enough to tell me that he was mad

I wanted to apologise to him for that I didn't mean to make him angry i just wanted to get wilby as he was i don't like grumpy wilby though this was worst

"I-I am sor-" "get out." I was schoked wilby never sounded so mad as he does right now what is going on "wilby I di-" "i said get out" I didn't know know what to do so I tried for the last time "I a-"

The next thing that happened,that happened too quick for me regester what just happened there was a sensation of pain on my cheeck and a tear drop? On my cheeck that was......mine? I slowly bought my hand up to my cheeck

"Oh um tom-" before he could finish though I was already out he tried to reach his hand but to no wail i got out of his room and went running to my room

Wilbur thought about he felt guilty for it but the more he thought the more he started to think that he should not be guilty either he hit him or he become a brat what he did was great for that brat to learn a lesson

"And whatever he was the one killed mo-" I pause there came a feeling a voice that told me what I did was wrong that he's a kid that he didn't deserve that but i push it down it doesn't matter he is the one to cause her death even if not bue he got the last moment to stay with her which is just not fair! I should be the one to spend the time with her! But no he ce and take everything away from me! How could I ever have loved that brat

The feeling was long forgotten of guilt replace with the urge to get revenge,a voice in my head told me that he was so a kid but I am only a kid! For god sakes


Heyyyyy guys quick a big chapter ain't it? Tho i love this story! But it doesn't have that many reader which makes me demotivatev to make a chapter i wanted to update this book first but then i looked at my other book that has soany more reader and was like nah i am doing that first

what did I did to deserve this?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora