12: Wheel of fortune

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"Y/n, I'm pretty aware of what I'm doing, I'm not an idiot." He said.

Kakyoin grabbed the Jeep's winch as he went up.

"Kakyoin, that was pretty smart." Jotaro said as he summoned his stand. "By the way, do you like sumo?"

He said as he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

I wasn't trying to be sexual at that point (and I sure as hell hope he wasn't either) but he pulled me so close that my ass was touching his clothed-

'Oh boy, what are they gonna do?' I thought to my self.

I closed my eyes and with one swift motion we were back on the ground.

"He didn't look like a stand user, then why would he want to get us murdered? This is strange." I said.

"There is nothing strange, lady." We heard a voice come from the radio.

We turned our heads and a man, who we assumed is the car owner, was speaking from the radio.

"My stand's name is "wheel of fortune"" the man said.

"Where is the signal coming from? It can't be from the car that fell off the cliff!" I said.

"No, there's a possibility the stand is the car" Jotaro said.

"Like strength?" I asked.

"Exactly" He said.

"Everyone, hop back into the Jeep!" Joseph yelled just for Jotaro to stop us. "No, everyone back away from the Jeep!" He yelled but I was too close to the Jeep. I was shocked from earlyer so I didn't take much steps away from the car.

Just then the car from earlyer hit the Jeep and it flew away causing a part of it to fly straight at my head.

I hit the ground and from then I couldn't remember anything. I blacked out.

I slowly opened my eyes and I could feel a pain on my lower abdomen and shoulder.

I looked down and there were 2 holes on my body. One on the abdomen and one on the shoulder.

"Y/n! You're awake!" Kakyoin shouted. "This bastard shot gass on us and made holes on our bodies. Sorry we couldn't help you tho, no one knew that he would shoot at you" He finished and lowered his head.

"It's fine, Kak! It doesn't hurt that much, so I'm fine!" It was a lie. It hurt like a mother fucker.

Looking infront of me again, Jotaro was fighting the stand.

Just then, fire sparks were shot at Jotaro and he caught on fire.


Everyone was shocked.

I tried moving a bit and I did it, but Kakyoin told me not to move and that it was dangerous.

"Ahhahahahhha, I win! Part 3 is now over!" The stand user said.

"Oh? And who do you think would replace me, Jotaro Kujo, as tye main character?" We heard a voice.

An arm punched through the sand.

"You didn't think it would be you, right?" And then, Jotaro showed up.


(Then Jotaro says some stuff and you leave, I'm too lazy to write all that shit)

We were at the airport dropping Anne back to Hong Kong.

"Bye Anne!"

"Life is a bunch of good byes!" She said as she got on the plane and left.

Then Jotaro showed up with his new jacket.

"I'm surprised they sell Japanese school jackets here" Joseph said.

"It's 100% wool"


Back at the hotel I was sharing a room with Jotaro.

I had just finished with Kakyoin and Polnareff's wounds so it was time for Jotaro's.

"Come on Jotaro let me treat your wounds" I said.

"I'll let you treat them only if I get to treat yours too" He said and put out the cigar he was holding.


He took his gakuran off and let me examine his wounds.

He had some minor burns and some holes from the previous battle.

I took a bowl with cold water and a cloth and began dabbing his burns.

I then took a cotton ball and cleaned hid wounds and the dry blood. I then applied some Antibacterial Ointment and wrapped them with a bandage.

The whole time he didn't move a muscle and just carefully watched my every move.

"Done!" I said.

"Come on its my turn now" He said and got up.

I layed on the bed and took off my tank top leaving me only with a bra. I then took off my pants so now I was half naked.

"What are you doing?" I heard a familiar deep voice say. It was obviously Jotaro.

"Well, how are you gonna clean my wounds if I don't take off my clothes? The pants were hiding the wounds on my abdomen!" I said.

He just signed and copied every move I did from earlyer.

"Wow you're a really fast learner!" I joke and giggled a bit.

"Thank you I learn from the best" that comment made me blush and scream from the inside while he smirked.

When he finished he was about to stand up but I beat him to it and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him on the cheek.

He blushed 7 shades of red but was quick to cover it up.

"By the way, I didnt know you liked black" He said.

"W-what?" I asked and looked at him.

He then pointed at my underwear.

"You pervert! Why where you looking there huh?" I said as I playfully hit his arm and giggled.


Word count: 1444

Updated: 17/4/2023
Next update: idrn

A "Fun" Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now