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1st ツ


next to my brothers death, my return to school was my least favorite thing this year. in september, the leaves are supposed to start changing colors, there's supposed to be a small breeze incoming, and there wasn't any yet.

not unless you were at the football game that occurred every friday night, over there it could get windy, high up in the stands.

i do remember that from my brothers football games.

the sound of lockers slamming, people talking, bells ringing, and footsteps being taken had never been so discomforting to hear until today. until i took on this long hallway to make it to my own locker.

almost everyone was staring, but i internally thanked the people who minded their own business. when walking in the hallways i parted my mind from the fact that lots of people watched, and focused on the ones who didn't.

that's what my dad told me to do.

how i'd love to live a life like theirs. seeming so relaxed, put together and most of all normal.

when i made it to my locker, i took a deep breath. it was the same as last year, and when i opened it i was greeted with many pictures i forgot to take out.

i stared at the one of my brother for a lot longer than i should've. i always hated the fact that it felt so different to see him smile now. now seeing him smile made me feel guilty, because he had no idea what was going to happen to him.

no idea that a few weeks after that picture he'd be slashed up in his own town.

"you're back." a soft voice spoke from behind me, and that wasn't so bad until i turned to be greeted by around five kids, half being football players who had known my brother.

sandy was the one to speak to me, she had a small crush on my brother and i could tell she was still thinking about him everyday by the hurt look on her face. but then again here she clang onto another boy's arm, so what was really true?

"yeah." i managed to muster up that one word to answer her, and my eyes flickered from her, to the others, to charles lennon.

i didn't like him, seeing as the well known newport quarterback was my brothers biggest competitor, and the one to bother me the most in science last year. often chewing his loud gum in my ear purposely.

if anyone wanted me to describe football players i'd probably direct them to him.

everyone else in the group watched me intently, waiting for me to frown so they could all comfort me, and tell me it'll be okay. they all watched me close enough to catch almost anything.

charles' eyes roamed off elsewhere, and i noticed that. he looked around the hallways carelessly, not even glancing to me, only chewing his gum obnoxiously once again and blowing bubbles with it, standing there like he was waiting to leave.

i knew he didn't like me, not after that science class incident where i pulled his helmet he playfully placed on downwards, hitting his head on the desk. or when i called him stupid every time he spoke for the fact that he wasn't that good at welcoming my brother to the football squad.

since then it only got worse, and i know it's my fault but i could not care any less.

but today, i found comfort in the fact that he didn't watch me like they did, even though i still very much didn't like him, or the way he carried himself like he was better than everyone.

trust me, hitting his head on the table wasn't done without him provoking me many times, making the types of jokes boys often make about girls. he was your typical jerk, and that was all there was to it.

now, i gulped, looking away from him to the many eyes on me and i turned my head, my eyes still on there's awkwardly.

"we hope you're doing well, harles." another girl spoke up, and i'd never spoken to her in my entire life. my brows furrowed and i shut my locker slowly, nodding.

"thank you." i let out softly, and with that they all began to walk off, sending sympathetic smiles to me.

charles walked off, glancing to me and then to his friend carelessly. his look of boredom turned into a smile as they left, and it was almost like he wanted me to see that. his hand went around his teammates shoulder, shouting in his ear about the football game that'd be going on tonight, and i watched.


very short
very odd
but enjoy this as the first chapter :)
and welcome ofc

𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐂.𝐋जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें