𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘵 - 𝘗𝘵.1

636 19 5

"Your joking-"
There was silence.
You looked between Heimdall then Anikka. The wind picking up and grey clouds becoming more and more visible in the sky. 
You were standing on the wall near the wooden elevator type contraption that helped Heimdall get from the town to wall with ease.
You couldn't help but want to rip Anikka's head off everytime she opened her stupid mouth. The graphic images lay out in detail. The look Heimdall gave you seemed judgmental and almost worried.
You only glanced at him for a few seconds and bit your tongue.

Anikka had her hands crossed and seemed bored. She has the same type of clothes you had on, but her colours were reversed to yours. She had a bow and arrow over her shoulder trapped on her body.
"Midgard is an easy journey. You scared Y/N?"
You looked her way with a plain glare. Responding took energy so you didn't bother.
"Anyway, lover birds, I need a certain bracelet off a troll."
Anikka responded first, of course she did.
"Troll? Easy?"
You shot her a death sentence.
"Have you ever fought something bigger than your pride?"
You went to step forward but with the wave of Heimdall's hand distracting you, you inevitably stopped.
"Yeah, calm yourself, Y/N."
"If you don't shut your mouth I'll seek to it that you rest in Helheim peacefully-"

"You're both so loud and negligible."
Rolling your eyes and crossing your arms you couldnt help but feel a little sting from his words. Anikka seemed more disappointed in herself.
"Get going now."
With his words he turned away from you both. Only for raven after raven to appear till there were hundreds of them circling around the both of you.
Your fight or flight instincts went off and before you knew it you were in the air.

. . .

You went from being on top of the Asgardian wall with your mentor and co-apprentice, then to falling. All because of birds.

Bloody fabulous!

Falling in the frost bite, cold wind wasn't the problem.
It was the landing.
Not that you landed all that gracefully.
You fell into an iced lake.

An iced lake.

'Iced' meaning you were in mere moments surrounded by colder water than your body could handle without protection with slight abrasions and cuts from the glass like ice breaking on impact.

Trying to swim was a pain in the ass. Now that you couldn't feel your limbs, but somehow you got to the surface.
Pure will power and fear of dying took you over and thrashing till you felt the Midgardian winter bite your cheeks was a priority. With a hard exhale you spat water out of your mouth and snorted water out of your nose.
Little helpless sounds of pure panic leaving your closing throat as you went back under.

You couldn't stop though.
Your life depended on it.

Thrashing more but this time forward you hit something in minutes that felt more ice.

For fucks sake

Grabbing it with your purple fingers you hurled yourself up the best you could.
You quite literally looked like a sack of purple potatoes.
Wet hair falling in front of your eyes as you gasped loudly for whatever you could inhale that wasn't liquid.
Laying on your side you tried to roll to your back but you felt pain.

Just numb pain.

Looking into the blue abyss covered in the same dull grey clouds as Asgard you felt an intense feeling of loss.
The feeling of knowing you could have just died was taking you over and pent up emotion of the last few days was turning into tears falling down your face with the lake water.
Knowing right now you could be in bed, or patrolling, or training.
But you were here fighting for your life.
Trying to wipe them clear and sit up became a chore, your mind so blank and so scared.
Standing with effort, you cleared the remaining lake water out of your vision.

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