𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑖 . . . 𝑉𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑟

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You peeked behind the corner from the bedroom door youd been ask to stay in. Your curiosity had taken over and you wanted to know who had interrupted your moment.
"Why do you seek to disturb me at this hour of the night."
A very tall, toned man spoke in response to Heimdall's question. He was wearing a coat and had a deeper voice then Heimdall.
"I seek to speak with you.. brother."
"Yes, let us inside."
The second male figure, who was smaller then Heimdall and the man next to him who seemed only young.
They entered and as they scanned the home, you knew you could not be seen. Stepping back into the darkness and hiding in plain sight you saw a man walk to the table that had a bowl of fruit, more papers and books that were neatly separated into piles.

"I know what you need to discuss but it can wait till morning."
Heimdall was clearly irritated and haste full.
"Heimdall. Ease your tone."
You saw a body block the doorway. You held your breath and lowered yourself to a crouch. He was just lit by the moons rays beaming through the window beside you. Your back pressed firmly against the wall keeping you in the dark.
His face was soft with a scar on his cheek. His eyes were dark blue and the way he searched the room he seemed lost. He was younger then you but by the marks on his skin and the way he held the handle of a sword strapped to his hip he had been in battle quiet a few times.
He had seen things.
Felt things.
Done things.

He turned as you saw Heimdall's hand grab his shoulder, turning him around and pushing him out of the room.
"Have you not been taught manners, boy."
Heimdall pushed him into the kitchen area grimly as Heimdall took his place in the door way.
You heard them continue to talk.

"No it can not."
"Do not lie to me, Vìdarr. You do not need me for what you come to discuss. All Father is who you must see."
"I know. Do not assume things, brother-"
"Dont insult me."
There was silence. Vìdarr must have been the taller one. The older one and the man talking to Heimdall. You could hear the disgust in your mentor's tone of voice.
Heimdall was tired, you could just hear it in his voice. The way he slightly slurred his words. It wasn't all that noticeable but he was being pushy so they would leave him be.

"You play a part in this, too, do not kid yourself."
"I know why you are actually here. And it is..OH so touching but I do not care."
"Dont be so cold hearted..Heimdall. Váli is only a boy."
"Exactly. A mere child. He can do no harm, he is not capable yet."
"You both come to me because he was born to serve fate that does not involve me? I'm profoundly unimpressed."
There was a laugh and a cup hit the table. You saw Heimdall stand guard by the door giving you the opportunity to step quietly to the bed and grab a spare shirt of Heimdall's. It was big but fit you alright as you covered yourself hurriedly.

Your heart beat fast and you felt uneasy in your stomach.
Heimdall crossed his arms as the two gods refused to leave.
"You are smart, Heimdall. With the knowledge you hold now.. I will await your response to the matter."
The sound of feet walking became faded as the two reached the door. Heimdall followed behind, the doorway being unguarded by his presence again.
Words were exchanged but as you held your side realizing there was no pain from the winter paste you could not make out what they had said.
The door closed.

Heimdall appearing before you.
Your eyes fixed on him wearily.
He raised his head to you, face pale and cold.
You walked to him, placing a hand delicately on his chest as you stood side on to him.
"I will leave you-"
"Shush, Y/N."
His hand took yours and he hugged you close to him. His breath hitting your neck he pressed his face against you.
"You may stay. I allow it."
You smiled to yourself, letting yourself relax under his touch.
His hands going beneath your shirt once again and holding your bare back.

"You are tired. Let us rest."
You say softly into his ear.
He nodded in agreement.
He took his usual clothes and shoes off. He was shirtless with pants on once he was done. Taking your blood and dirt covered pants off only wearing the shirt you had found and your underwear you both slid beneath the sheets that had animal fur and soft cloth to keep both of you warm as it started to drizzle again. The outside realm dark and cold, unforgiving and relentless. The bed you lay in with the God keeping you company feeling safe and warm.
Like a new beginning.
You were wrong and you asked for forgiveness in the walls of your own head.
But you were answered.
"I forgive you.."
Raising your head to Heimdall he placed a hand on your shoulder, as though it was true.
Cuddling into him you wrapped your legs around one of his and leant your head on his chest. His skin soft under yours. His hand entangled in your hair giving you tingles with every movement.
You let your eyes rest and as your body fell limp.
Your mind drifted off.
It was an honour to sleep beside a God.

. . .

The next morning was darker, the cold draft settling in.
You walked by Heimdall's side to the great hall.
It was placed in the centre of town.
You were holding papers he had been given you to carry before you had arrived.
Anikka spoke truth to you.
You were outraged but on the outside all that showed was a stern face.
Heimdall was more annoyed than upset.
"I look after myself, Asgard and as it seems yourself from time to time. I do not need another to babysit."
Those were his exact words from this morning when the both of you had sat down and read the request.
You had not discussed last night's late visitors but you had guessed the younger boy you had seen briefly was Váli.
You were right on who Vìdarr was.
Nothing more was said of them. It was not your place to know yet.
You were wearing some clothes of Heimdall's until you could get your original work clothes back. You had asked Sif to sew them back to life.
You hope she was not fretting for you.
The doors burst open as Heimdall pushed them with force.
The four main head advisers of the training regimen were huddled together discussing gods knows what.
Hushing and turning their attention to the God trudging their way.
An old man greeted by opening his arms, bowing before him as you both reached the elder.
You felt indignation fill your heart as you held your tongue.
"I received your papers. I am severely unimpressed by this act of..kindness."
He mocked them with a daring smile.
He shoved the papers into the man's chest causing him to take a few steps back and hold them with shock.
Reading through them he looked at Heimdall with a pressed look.
"There is nothing we can do. Anikka is a great leader and intelligent, it was a risk we had to take."
You took an easing deep breath letting your mind run wild with murderous intent.
Heimdall grabbed your arm and pulled you forward, showing your face to them.
"I shall have you know I already have an apprentice. This..ignorant pain in my ass is enough as it is. I do not need another thorn in my foot to loose my balance to. I decline your offer."
You smiled at him with a pleased look.
"I make you stumble?"
He glared down at you as you charmingly smiled, stood up and gained your footing in front of everyone in the room. Both of you turned your attention to the pig talking.
"Please..Watchman of the Aesir..we have no other choice but to let her follow you and your teachings.."
The man got to his knees as he looked up at Heimdall searching for forgiveness from him.
Heimdall leaned in, whispered something into the ear of the man before standing again.
Holding your arm still his hand slid down to hold yours.
You both left with an outcome you had not wished for.
"Jeg beklager, sir."
(I'm sorry, sir.)
"I know you are."
His voice was small and unreadable.
He continued to walk with you but slower this time.

I familiar voice filled your head and as you turned you saw her strolling over with a wide smile.

𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕄𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥Where stories live. Discover now