𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐶𝑎𝑛 𝐿𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒

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It felt different walking back to your dorm. The ambience between you and Heimdall had calmed, felt slow and at ease.
Finally feeling safe with him.
Striding by his side you didn't touch nor speak but the silence was comforting.

Music playing in the background as you could see residents either dancing, going home, walking around or interacting with one another. Warm lights coming from the surrounding homes making Asgard seem cosy.
You really took in it's rough and rugged beauty.
Well for how long it lasted for.

In an instant your world came crashing down again.

An angry voice filled your ears and as you both turned around. You were in shock to see Thrud striding your way, looking as though she was ready to spill Heimdall's or your blood with her weapon. You felt Heimdall's hand grab your shoulder, your eyes widening as you got pushed aside.
"Don't touch them!"
Thrud warned, grabbing your hand.
You felt as though you were a rag doll being pushed and pulled between two kids who didn't know how to share.
Feeling frustrated, resentment filled your mind and soon enough you were taken over by it.
You screamed at both of them. Thrud let you go, looking hurt as she would never expect you to hurt or raise your voice at her.
Heimdall kept his bifrost orbs on you. Shaking your body firmly, stepping away.
"Heimdall I can deal with her-"
You glared and as Thrud finished her sentence you felt your heart race as you couldn't understand why she was acting like she was. Like you where her pet she couldn't leave alone.
"You need to keep your voice down."
You growled, gesturing around you as you once again unwanted eyes watching all 3 of you.
"*Hva gjorde du med venn min?!"
"*What was I doing with your friend? Y/N has no time for you any longer, what do you not get about that?"
Heimdall laughed softly but bitterly, his hand out gesturing you then Thrud.
"You have no say how much time Y/N can spend with me! Y/N has spilt blood of their own to get where they are today. I expect no others to amount to as much as Y/N has achieved. You of all Gods CAN NOT dictate their actions."
Heimdall laughed coldly, all you could do was stare at Thrud. Her words seemed like truth from her experiences with you. Thrud glanced at you then tensed her body as you could tell she felt undermined and frustrated.
You kept your feeling suppressed not wanting to seem weak and emotional in front of either of them.

You finally understood it.
The reason she was so upset and persistent with you to get a apprenticeship with her family.
You were her only close friend.
She valued you more now since her brothers passed, you were all she had left.
"If you must know, Thorsdóttir, Y/N and I were patrolling the wall. As their teacher now, I was teaching Y/N."
"Teaching. Them. What."
You could feel the tension rise as they were getting close and in each other face.

You stepped between Heimdall and Thrud knowing all to well it wasn't going to end pleasantly if you didn't interfere. Your back pressed again Heimdall's torso and your face to Thruds front, you wedged your body in the middle. Breathing becoming difficult, you were kind of squished in between two bigger and taller gods than you.
Holding Thrud's arms, using your body weight you shouldered her back a few steps, increasing the space and lowering the chance of Thrud lashing out and getting herself hurt or embarrassed.
"You really going to defend this asshole?"
Thrud asked feircely at you.
Not to you.
At you.
She wasn't speaking to you. She was speaking at you.
Trying to keep your cool the best you could, you kept one hand on Heimdall's stomach and the other outstretched to Thrud.
"Thrud. I can look after myself. I am fine. I am safe. You need to pick your battles a little more thoughtfully concidering this is my job now. Wether you and I like it or not, this is what I have to do."
Keeping your tone at a pleasant level you could see the regret as she peered at you.

You hated it.
All you had been doing as of lately is hurting people. You cared too much to keep going down this path.

Swivelling around you faced Heimdall.
He wasn't off the hook either.
"And you."
He raised an eyebrow at you as you glared up at him, your emotions and thoughts running wild.
"You can not and will not talk to your family or about your family as if they are scum below your feet. As if you couldn't care less about them. Your pessimistic opinions will not be tolerated and are not welcome. Do you understand me?"
He stared hatefully at you before lowering himself to your height, hands on his knees as he spoke to you as though you were a little kid once more,
"And how do you intend to stop me?"
You took a single deep breath.
"I do not intend to do any such harm or persuasion towards you...because I know deep down you care about me and your family."
Heimdall scoffed and stood upright again. His tone and demeanour changing towards you.
"Me? Care? Iv known you for a whole 3 days if less. As for my family, most of them are dead. Or drunks. Or careless, obnoxious, stuck up children. As if I'd care what happens to them. You though? You are an apprentice. You are nothing otherwise."
Thrud tried to interfere but was cut off again.
"You are with me as you managed to piss of your training regimen sooo much you got kicked off the board. You are oh so very fucking lucky I don't throw you away to work for the poor people of this place cleaning reminiscence of gods knows what off of the floor."
Retorted Heimdall painfully.
"Then why don't you."
Your face scrunched as you felt your heart break and tears forming relentlessly as you still tried to keep up your strong attitude.
He snatched your arm back as you went to step away from him, his body meeting yours abruptly as he held you.
His face looked as though it was hiding something from you and it wanted to tell you. You couldn't understand the mix signals he was sending as he held your arm viciously tight but seemed to sympathetic.

"Let. Y/N. Go."
Is was Sif.
She was in a night gown, she must have woke up to the screaming and yelling.
Her eyes piercing Heimdall as she placed a firm hand on him, holding you so hard small, painful whispered whimpers escaped you.
He hesitated, the look painted across his face seemed like sorrow and a hint of respect towards Sif.
Dropping your arm slowly, his hand print marked your arm a gold colour.
You covered it with your sleeve quickly.
Sif's hand removing from him, also.
Sif's arms wrapping around you warmly as Sif shielded you from anymore harm that could get to you. She smelt of lavender and chamomile.

Sif's un-welcoming stare along with her overwhelming presence convinced Heimdall to step back, holding back his distasteful comments and obscene opinions.
Heimdall knowing well Sif did not care for this words and would ridicule him just as brutally in retaliation.
Thrud called softly and Sif gestured for Thrud to go in the house with a quick flick of her hand. Thrud hesitated but did not talk back, doing as she silently asked.
You held onto Sif as a painful heart aching feeling took over you, sniffling while trying to breathe was not fun, tears falling onto her garment.
"You can leave."
Her tone just as uninviting as her presence.
Heimdall did not say another word and walked off into the dark of the night. You did not watch him leave. You didn't want to see him again.
You didn't care.
No other words were exchanged between gods.
It was dealt with.
You were escorted safely into Sif's home.
You did not speak, just a small, broken apology.
Like a small toddler that had been awoken by nightmares, you slept in Sif's bed and she took the spare room. You did not see nor hear from Thrud again.

Their bed big and empty, the only comforting aspect was the pillows and blankets had the scent of Sif and Thor.
You didn't cry or overwhelm yourself anymore. You wiped your tears away and closed your heart off to the emotions brewing deep down.

Laying your head down on the pillows and draping the blankets over yourself you got warm and began to drift off. All your energy wasted on the fighting and arguing and patrolling.
The patrol...the sunset.. the touch..
You blocked it out, not wanting to think about it ever again.
Drifting off once again you knew things had changed but not in a positive way.
You were starting from the start again.

𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕄𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥Where stories live. Discover now