𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕄𝕖 𝔹𝕖!

936 23 4

Your eyes shot open, sitting up and gasping for air as a headache hit you like a boulder had been thrown and crushed your head.
Your arm out stretched as you looked like you were trying to get to the surface of something.
Like you were drowning.
Someone had grabbed your arm as they stood over you.
You took deep breathes as you looked up.
The same bifrost purple eyes meeting yours.
You hissed, throwing the covers over your head turning your back to them.
"Get up, child!"
You felt the covers being ripped off, the sun hitting your skin. Your body tingled as you felt the sun's warmth.
Your turned over to look at Heimdall, your headache worsening, a sick feeling rising through you as you felt the need to vomit.
Getting up you winced as your headache spiked at any movement, the sickly sweet mead coming up and out as you got into your window, opened it and vomited all over the bushes and grass that grew there.
"What in Odin's name-"
You groaned as you leaned on the window sill. The feeling subsided and as you closed the window you felt Heimdall watching you.
Swivelling your head he was staring at you with a disgusted look.
"You mind?"
You asked with a raspy voice.
"I do actually."
He crossed his arms, his head raising as he looked down on you.
"If we are training again-"
"Shush. Your obviously in no shape to do combat so we are gonna go patrolling instead."
The way he talked seemed like he cared. Like he didn't want to push you too far, like he cared of your welbing.
Was he pitying you?
You stood up straight and squinted at him.
"No, I'm not pitying you."
You scrunched your face as you looked confused.
"That's right. I know what's going on in that's pretty little head of yours-"
"You think I'm pretty?"
You smirked softly, crossing your arms.
"It's an expression. Don't let it get to you, *esel."
"Did you just call me a *donkey?"
"Yes. I'm glad your fluent."
"I learnt of my moth..Sif..I learnt from Sif."
You hesitated, your arms becoming limp as you looked away.
He disregarded your emotions.
"Kom barn, du må spise før vi går."
(Come child, you need to eat before we go.)
You followed calmly after him, holding your head with one hand as you closed your eyes in pain. You tried to remember last night as best you could. You relayed the evening in your head over and over trying to piece together what had happened.
You sat down at a large table in the bigger part of the dorms. Some people seated further down the table chatting. You rested your elbows on the table, letting your head fall limp in your hands.
Heimdall sat on the other side in front of you, putting a cup of cold water and bread with cheese and butter down for you.
You opened your eyes and looked at the plate before looking at him.
"What if it's poisoned."
"As entertaining as that might be, it's fresh."
You eyes the plate, the images of last night playing through your head like a corrupted screen play.
"I saw you last night."
Heimdall broke the silence as you chewed on the bread and cheese that was served to you. Your eyes shooting up to him as you stopped chewing.
"You what?"
Heimdall sneered.
"Don't make me repeat myself again. I saw you stumbling around outside the tavern. I also watches you throw up your guts, cry, then get carried by Thor back to your dorm. Amusingly pathetic."
Your eyes stabbed daggers into him at your pupils seemed like pencil lines. Your face looked infuriated by his words. Neither of you spoke as you continued to eat your food. You finished and as Heimdall stood you asked him innocently and calmly.
"Who was she?"
He stop dead in his tracks as he had one hand outstretched to grab your plate and the other leaning on the table. Fixing your gaze on him, he stared down at you with wide glowing eyes. He made no face. Retaliated with no comment. Just looked into your eyes with wide, sad eyes. You yourself making no face, no expression, just chewing the last piece of bread that you held loosely in your hand.
His eyes told you a story of sorrow and grief..then anger and resentment. Heimdall leaned back and began to stride to the door. Your headache clearing slightly you jumped up and jogged after him, a light pounding behind your eyes.
You called but as he continued you felt as though your heart was aching.
You knew you fucked up.
"Wait, I'm sorry."
He spun around, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt. The bifrost spreading across his eyes towards his ears and down his cheek little strand by little strand.
He lifted you off the ground a few inches.
Grabbing his arm helplessly you looked at him with a pleading look.
"Your sorry?"
He hissed hastily, his eyebrows knitted together. You could hear the pain his voice as he spoke to you.
"I just wanted to know who she was-"
He threw you to the ground, landing on your back you sat up quickly. When you fell you fell on bruises from yesterday's long training day.
You snarled slightly as he crouched down to your height, gesturing you with a hand.
"Never, ever, speak of her to me again."
"Who then?"
Your voice like glass to his ears he looked away lowering his head, chuckling softly. Standing he peered down at you. Your eyes glued to him.
"No one. Never speak of her existence from your disgusting mouth."
He warned, his eyes flaring at you as he clenched his fists. Standing up you saw him turn to you once again. He didn't try to harm you again. Even if he didnt want to you were still on edge around him.
"Yes, sir."
You answered softly, your voice calmer and trying to sound as non threatening as possible.
"That's more like it. Do not speak again until I tell you you can. You understand?"
He glances at you which you just nodded. He turned and started to walk in which you followed him, as always. People that were watching you get told off as though were a little kid were now going back to minding their business. You just watched his feet as he kept in a comfortable distance in his shadow.

𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕄𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥Where stories live. Discover now