𝔸𝕣𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤!?

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"You will be placed in the hands of Heimdall."
"Excuse me?"
Your chief looked at you sparingly.
Then dissapontedly.
You had a knack for argueing with your chief against your good will.
"Your excused."
You stood up straight, not that you were all that tall anyway. You were given papers and explained that you were his new apprentice after some confidential news was found out. Meaning you were given orders and weren't allowed to ask questions unless you wanted to be given a horrid job probably shovelling shit in the stables.
"I can't say no, can I?"
"It's good pay."
"I get paid?"
He looked at you again, so you decided it's best to just walk away. You turned on your heels and walked to the door.
"Where is he atleast?"
"He will find you."
You stared at him for a moment, hand resting on the door way to the office.
"Charming..." You spat and walked out the door. You only met him 3 times and none were enjoyable concidering all he did was critice your ability to fight and throw a spear and jump a fence. You walked along the long wooden corridor smelling of musty wax and mead. A hint of Vanilla. That wasn't as pelasent as it sounds. You pushed your falling out hair out of your face and you sighed heavily, stress and anxiety eating you up as you really hoped you'd be placed with atleast Thor or his wife or with ANYONE else. He may be a drunk but he didn't seem to judge you every 5 seconds from how you breathed.
Not that being judged was a big deal, positive critism but you got the feeling Heimdall wasnt all that...positive.
Who knows maybe you need it.
Walking to your dorm you opened the door, light hitting your eyes, the dust flying in the dimming light as it became noon. Putting the papers without reading them on your bedside table next to a few books with notes and a candle that was nearly out and a half eaten bread roll you slumped onto your usaully hard bed.
You were allowed an early leave from your training group as you'd successfully pissed of 80 percent of the group. How? That's not important, really. They decided your skills none the less were useful, as you'd passed your training with a high score and your tests, but with new recruites and unhealthy amount of 'idiots' coming forth you were given a last chance and now your career, pride, ego and poteintly life was in the hands of the watchman of the Aesir. Fabulous.
Maybe he wasn't as bad as everyone thought or maybe it's an experience thing.
You heard a creek at your doorway your eyes shooting to the entrance, it was only Thrud, Thor's and Sif's daughter and Valkery in training.
"There you are!" She shouted, smiling brightly. Her armor shining golden in the sun as she entered your room matching her hair, knowing she was allowed by the way your face lit up at the sight of her.
"Ahh, Thrud, how are you?"
"Good as always, Y/N, and you?" She asked as you stood and walking to eachother, hugging and slapping eachother back softly before letting go. You were smaller then her but her parents were quiet big and her brothers too. You knew Magni and Modi before their..passing. They were like big brothers to you, teaching you how to use your first knife and take your first few punches.
"I got bad news.."
"Oh no.. did Kiah do something I swear-"
"WHAT?" You chuckled and shook your head.
"That boy is nothing to me at the moment."
"Good, but what is it then?"
You were nervous to tell her. You and Thrud had been quiet close since you got recruited. Very close, she started to stick up for you so you returned the favour and grew a close friendship soon after. Thats why you were hoping to be placed in her...quiet disfunctional family, atleast you knew them.
"I got a job."
"Oh! Why is that bad news?"
"It's an apprenticeship.."
You sighed and Thrud laughed putting a hand on your shoulder. The happiness practically seeping out off of her.
"Go on, can't be that bad who did you get placed with?"
She asked taking her hand back. She took a step back as she spoke, a concerned look raising in her tone and eyes as you looked at eachother.
"I hope it's-"
"It's with Heimdall."
"Are you serious!?"

𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕄𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora