𝑆𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑦𝑠

671 20 1

"Leave, Y/N."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. While I'm gone, move your stuff out of your dorm."
"Where? I have no home. Other than.."
Annika got closer as you and Heimdall were leaning into each other talking quietly. Faces only inches apart your heartbeat quickening rapidly. You were torn as Sif's and Thor's house was not permanent.
"Just put your belongings in my house temporarily we will work it out later-"

That was no better!

"Hello. What are you discussing?"
The innocence in Anikka's voice made you recoil internally. Even the way she was standing, hands behind her back and her aura seeming cheerful and sweet.
"None of your fucking business-"
"Y/N. Go."
The back of your mentor's hand on your chest as you had the intention to step between the two of them.
The last thing Heimdall needed was two petty apprentices fighting.
As entertaining as that might have been.
You jolted your shoulders back and forth once, shaking Heimdall's hand off of you indignantly. You walked past them, shoving Anikka with your shoulder bitterly.
A smile spread across her face as she knew she had won.
This time.
Heimdall saw this and curled his lip a little in disgust.
"Anikka is it?"
Heimdall interrupted with a hand raised to her.
She looked caught off guard but collected herself.
"Yes, sir."
"Good, good. Anikka I'm going to tell you what Y/N knows. You are..a child. Irritating, petty...stuck up. All this has crossed my mind since I heard of you. Any mistakes and I have no trouble giving you to the low life's of this realm to use for themselves. Do I make myself clear?"
A look of pure shock and terror painted across her body as she seemed genuinely hurt.
Heimdall had leaned down to her height with his eyes cutting daggers into Anikka. She seemed as though she was internally praying.
And he knew who.
"C-crystal..clear, sir."
"Very good."
She stared at Heimdall with a frightened mindset.
He felt no sympathy and he pinched the bridge of his nose as a headache came on.
"We are going to start with combat."

. . .
"Who does she think she is!?"
Your outrage turned into violence as you lashed out, kicking the side of an empty box. It flew across your dorm room that had not been touched since you the night of the argument.
And the evening of your first sunset together.
It didn't feel like salt in a wound anymore when the memory crossed over you.
You felt remorse.
Then none again.
"I will fucking kill her."
Your voice fills the mostly quiet room.
Grabbing books out of a shelf after your little fit had ended you felt a presence by the door. You had turned to meet deep ocean blue eyes. The depths behind his eyes caught your attention as you held your breath in suprise. You flinched a tad but as you realised who it was your guard lowered.
His voice was calm and joyful but not in a sick way. Like it was genuine.
His hair was wet and slicked back as he seemed As though he had just showered. His scent filled your senses which caused a shiver down your back.
"Are you in need of assistance?" He asked, picking a box up innocently. You walked over and grabbed the side of the back facing you.
"It's fine.. I just need to move my stuff out in the next few hours."
He chuckled and stepped back with the box which you just let go at that point.
"Forgive me but I want to help you. I don't understand why the other..treat you the way they do iv never seen as anything less than a friend and ally."
His words made you smile with every syllable.
"Me, too."
The softness in your voice paired with you turning your back made you seem sad to go. Kiah seemed worried.

"Hey..remember when we had to spare so we just danced instead."
The memory hit you and like a wave of laughing gass you started to cackle. Kiah joined you when he heard your obnoxiously loud laugh.
You wiped a tear from your eye when turned to face Kiah putting the rest of the books into the box sitting on the end of your now old bed.
"Or when we changed outfits for the day and you tore the pants?"
More and more laughter and joyful memories filled the usually silent room. The mood changed from once angry and upset, betrayed even to happy and joyful.

Kiah had helped you pack most of your things in the boxes other than the decorations and property that the dorm rooms gave you for free. Nearly finished and still blabbering on with your old friend you saw the sword and holster that Heimdall has gifted you on the first day in. You made your way to it and grabbed it firmly. Not taking it out of its holster you strapped it to your hip over the pants.
Not gonna leave this behind.

. . .
"Thankyou for helping me, I hope I didn't take any important time out of the day."
He chuckled and swayed his head side to side.
"Ahh, no, you didn't."
He waved the idea dismissively out of the air like a bad smell.
"Oh I was gonna ask before you go."
He stopped you as you were in the middle of the street and had gone to turn away.
"Oh- yes?"
You responded with slight curiosity and concern. You had not planned for anymore then to be assured with the packing and moving.
You caught his eye.
"Do you wanna come get a drink with me?"
You hesitated. The look on your face was unreadable to Kiah who seemed nervous to be even asking you this.
"Sorry if that's inappropriate-"
"No! No, no, of course not. I'll.. be more than happy to join you for a drink, Kiah."
You smiled warmly while he reciprocated the grin shyly. You both were located not even a street away from the local tavern.
He held his hand out which you glanced at before giggling.
"Come, Malady, let me treat you to the mead we have here in Asgard."
He charmingly bowed as your fingers laid in his palm. He held your hand delicately as he lifted his head and planted a small and tender kiss on your knuckles. Your face went red as your heartbeat raised instantly.
"I wouldn't call it a treat, but it sounds pleasant, my good sir."
You reciprocated by grabbing the side of your pants and flaring them out, curtsying before Kiah.
Letting out a giggle with him he led you to the tavern.
Your ban was up so hopefully tonight would go smooth and Thor wouldn't see you.
He was either there or home.
Or out.
You weren't sure.
You just wanted a good time to
get your mind off of the predicament.
And just so happened to be with an old crush.

. . .

𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕄𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥Where stories live. Discover now