Chapter 12 - infirmary

Start from the beginning

We were just picking up the last few bottles of pills that we could fit in the bag when I heard a groan, I turned to look behind me and saw a slender walker approaching me. I reached to my side and grabbed my hunting knife and impaled the walker in the head before it dropped to the ground on top of me.

"Carl!" I called and he came from behind the shelves and pulled the walker from me.

"You okay?" He asked a worried expression on his face. He reached his hand out for me to grab and I went to accept it but when I had out mine I saw a dark red liquid dripping from it.

"Ye... I think I'll be okay it's just a cut." I tried to laugh it off but now I had noticed it the pain was a lot less tolerable.

Carl grabbed the bag of supplies and we walked back to the cell block. When we arrived back there was chaos, everyone was surrounding Hershel's cell and when I and Carl peered round the corner he was lying on the bed unconscious. There was something else different about him and it took me a while to figure it out, his leg was gone.

Everyone turned to look at me and Carl in the doorway.

Glenn took a glance at the bag Carl carried. " I thought you were organizing the food?"

"Even better" Carl smiled. He walked into the cell and dropped the bag on the floor. "Check it out"

Carol opened the bag and gasped at the sight of all the supplies. " where did you get this?" She asked.

"I and Sam found the infirmary." He said seeming rather proud of himself. " wasn't much left but I cleared it out."

"You went by yourself?" Lori questioned not seeming so pleased when she heard this.

"We'll just the two of us yeah" he answered not understanding his reaction.

"Are you crazy?" she asked.

"No big deal we only killed one walker" he shrugged.

She stopped too shocked to speak. " you... all right, do you see this? This was with the whole group!"

"We needed supplies, so I got them." He argued.

"I appreciate that, but.." she continued.

"Then get off my back!" he cut her off.

"Are either of you hurt?" Maggie questioned.

"No!" Carl shouted back seemingly forgetting about my hand. " I don't understand why you can't trust us" he finished before storming out of the room pulling me along.

Once we were back in our cell I began to rip up an old shirt from inside my satchel and wrap it around my hand. The blood quickly soaked through it but it was the best I could do for now since I didn't want to bother Carol or Lori as they were both busy with Hershel.

"I'm sorry I forgot about that." Carl sighed taking a look at my hand. "I'll get my mum to take a look at it."

"No, it's okay. It's only a cut I'll be okay." I tried to smile but could only get out half a one.

There was shouting coming from the other room and Carl ran to go see what was happening. I tried to get up but felt dizzy so I sat back down. I fell asleep not long after.

~ later ~

Carl and I had been sitting on the metal stairs for a while now but when we saw Lori and Beth going into Hershel's cell we decided to follow.

"Just take your time," Lori said as Hershel began to sit up.

"Daddy don't push yourself" Beth reached he arms towards Hershel.

He laughed " what else am I going to do?" He stood up " can't stand looking up at the bottom of that bunk anymore" he began to tilt to the side and Lori and beth rushed to steady him again. " you know, think I'm pretty steady."

"That's a good start" Lori smiled. " wanna take a rest?"

"Rest? Let's go for a stroll."

Carl and I decided to talk a walk outside. We picked up a metal rod each and began to stab the walkers surrounding the fence. " you ever think about if we knew any of these people?" I question.

"They aren't people Sam and not really we're so far from our home I doubt they would've made it this far."

"This will be us one day, we'll be one of them. We all will and we can't do anything to stop it. This world is sick."

"You don't know that. What if they find a cure and we can live like how we're supposed to." He smiled. He always tries to be optimistic but it's hard when this is the reality you live in.

"Maybe." I sigh.


There was a generator that had been turned on and Rick had left with T-Dog and a prisoner to go and switch it off as it was beginning to attract the walkers. Shane sat at the table in the cell block with me, Lori, Maggie, and Carl were missing.

"Heard you and Carl were getting into more trouble." He shook his head.

"We were helping." I rolled my eyes.
"We're not bitten so I don't get the big deal."

"Big deal is you coulda gotten hurt kid" he placed his hand on my shoulder before taking a glance at my hand. " And by the looks of it, you did." He continued. " has anyone taken a look at that for you?"

"Yes, Lori did. It's only a scratch." I lied.

"Alright, kid. Come on let's go find Rick. We walked to the courtyard just outside our cell block with Beth and Hershel.

"Hershel!" Glenn called out.

"You didn't find them?" Hershel questioned.

"We thought maybe they came back out here," Glenn replied.

"What about T? Carol?"

"They didn't make it" Daryl responded.

"That doesn't mean the others didn't were going back!" Rick sounded agitated. "Daryl and Glenn, you come with....." he was cut off by the sound of a baby crying.

I turned to see Maggie and Carl walking out of the building with a baby. I smiled realized what had happened but it vanished when I saw Lori wasn't with them. Shane noticed and pulled me close. Everyone was silent as Rick paced in circles stumbling around.

"Where... Where is she? Where is she?" He questioned. He began to walk toward the building that they had come from.

"No Rick.. no"  Maggie spluttered grabbing ahold of his arm.

Rick began to sob and the tears began to fall down my face when I looked at Carl who had also begun to cry. " oh, no. No!" He got out through his tears. Lori was like a mother to me after my own died and I will miss her.

I got out of Shane's grip and ran towards Carl as Shane reached his arms out trying to pull me back. When I reached him I flung my arms around him and we both cried on each other's shoulders. Everyone around us was morning, there had been too many losses for all of us today.

A/N sorry for the lack of updates I have been busy for new years and stuff but I'm back now until Monday probably since once I'm back at school the updates will slow down as I'm doing mocks 👎🏼👎🏼.

This chapter is a sad unpopular opinion but I loved Lori and she deserved better.

This chapter is a sad unpopular opinion but I loved Lori and she deserved better

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This is what I was thinking for her hunting knife.

Never letting go (Carl.Grimes x OC) TWDWhere stories live. Discover now