Chapter 5: Ashley

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I got out of the bathtub and wrapped myself in a towel.  I looked to see if Colton was still in the room.  He wasn't, he must have left with the boys.  I went inside the closet and picked out a pink tank top paired with black jean shorts and slipped on some converse then head out of the bedroom.  The girls had their purses and shoes on so I knew we were getting ready to go somewhere.  I ran back to the room to grab my purse and then went to see what was going on.  "Hey there you are, what happened last night." "I got drunk and fucked Colton so hard." They squealed.  "Ooh, Ashley's been a hoe." I slightly smiled a bit.  "Oh I know you guys were fucking your man's last night.  "Guilty." Said Tiffany.  Hannah scratched her head and looked at us.  "I didn't sadly." We all gasped.  "Hannah didn't fuck her man, what's up?" "Well I don't know we just both fell asleep." Tiffany looked confused.  "I could've sworn last night I heard the door open to outside." Hannah made a nervous look.  "Well it was probably nothing, we should get going.
We got into Beverly Hills and went to the mall.  We walked inside and I saw Tiffany walked into Victoria's Secret.  "We should get lingerie to see what our boyfriend's think, Ashley you would look great in this." I rolled my eyes.  "I'm not buying that." I put it back on the rack.  I walked out of the store and went to go find the nearest bench or something to sit on.  Jasmine followed after me.  "What's wrong Ash?" I sighed.  "I just wish Hannah would tell the truth to me and I'm tired of being urged to do stupid things, being a hoe is hard." She hugged me.  "It's ok, it gets better."
We headed home a few hours later and I went into my room and put some clothes away when I found a ring box in the drawer.  I opened it and saw that it was a diamond engagement ring.  I put it back right away because I didn't want to get caught with it.  I just kept it myself because I wanted to make it like a surprise.
That night after we all finished dinner I went and sat out by the pool with some red wine I had brought.  I knew Hannah was hiding something but I didn't know what it was, or even if I wanted to know and I didn't want to confront her about it cause I already caused too much drama between her.  The door opened, it was Colton.  "Hey babe." He walked over to me then kissed me and sat down next to me.  "How was your day?" "Boring we just drove around and ate food, it was nothing special." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I leaned into his chest.  I took a sip of my wine.  "I just wish it could be just you and me in this world Ash, I just feel so burdened with people all up in my business when it can never just be me and you." I set my glass down and sat on his lap facing him.  "Babe, it is you and me in some way, we just need to get away from people sometimes." He opened my robe to the lace cami set I was wearing and ran his fingers across my chest.  He leaned in to kiss me and I rolled down on my back he pulled my shirt up and started kissing me up to my neck and I ran my fingers through his hair.  "Woah, get a room." Colton rolled his eyes and whispered to me, "see." "Vince goddamn, what do you want." "Umm, we started a card game." "Vince can't you see I'm busy.  He walked back inside and I could overhear him saying, "He's too busy fucking Ash on my patio furniture." We continued and he rolled my shorts off and I didn't have any underwear and moved his mouth down farther.  He came over and laid on my chest and grabbed a beach towel to cover us up.  "I love you so much Ashley." I smiled.  "I love you too, in every kind of way." I brushed my fingers through his soft brown hair and kissed him.  "I'm hoping I can make you the happiest girl in the world." "Of course you can and I already am." He looked up at my face and smiled.  "I got so lucky with the most beautiful girl in the world." He began to kiss me even more and I placed my hand on his face and smiled.  I put my clothes and robe back on then went back inside to get more wine with Colton behind me and went back to our bedroom.  I locked the door and shut all the curtains then we both head into the bathroom.  "Finally, alone at last." I smiled as Colton took my top off and I slid my fingers on his chest to take his shirt off and he pushed me up against the wall.  I took his pants and unzipped them and they fell to the floor while after he pulled off my shorts.  I walked over to the bathtub and started the water and gave him a sexy look.  He hopped in with the bubbles crackling in the tub.  I poured us both more wine and took my claw clip and took my hair down.  I climbed into the bathtub and sat across facing him.  He rubbed his hands across my back.  "Look tomorrow I have a date night planned for us and it's a nice restaurant so casual clothing." I smiled. "Ok." He started kissing me and I leaned back a little bit.  I reached and grabbed my wine and dipped my finger inside and dripped some of it on my chest on purpose.  "Oh no, I'm so sorry, I can fix that." I leaned into his chest and licked the wine off of his chest.  He smiled and tingled a little bit.  " Oh Ashley, what am I gonna do with you.". He leaned in and kissed then went down my neck and underwater in the bathtub.  I tingled and rubbed my fingers through his hair.  He sat up and grabbed the wine.  "Now it's your turn." He poured some on my chest and licked it off.  I got out of the tub a little while later and threw on my robe.  I brushed my hair and got into bed.  Colton got out right behind me and got into bed right behind me.  He wrapped his arms around my waist and ran his hand down past my stomach and spooned me.  "Stop it." He lifted his head up. "Stop what?" "Colton, I'm trying to sleep.". He rolled his eyes and turned to the other side of the bed.

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