Chapter 4: Colton

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Me and the boys were sitting on the couches in the living room when all of a sudden the girls walked in the room in their bras and underwear.  We all knew they were drunk.  "Ashley what are you doing." She walked over to me.  "Just partying with ma girlies." They clinked their shot glasses together then took another shot.  "Ashley, calm down you need to stop drinking." Ashley dropped her glass on the couch and plopped down on top of me.  "Oh your so comfy Colton." I picked her up then carried her into the bedroom while the other guys were taking their girlfriends and getting them water.  We got inside and plopped her down on the bed.  "What is wrong with you." "What do you mean, I'm fine." I grabbed her face and said, "Ashley, your drunk." She glanced at me.  "Oh Colton, why do you always have to be so sexy." She leaned back and pulled me with her.  She slipped my shirt off of my head and started kissing my neck.  I didn't want to make her upset so I just played along with what she was doing. I Unlatched her bra and pulled it off her head and after pulled off her underwear since that was all she was wearing.  She rolled on top of me and ran her fingers through her hair while I rubbed my hands across her breasts.  She kissed me from my neck all the way to about my abdominal area and slid my pants off.  I brushed my fingers through her hair as she was going down.  She came back up and started to kiss me again.  After we were done she turned to the other side of the bed and knocked out.  She was dead asleep by now.  I stepped out of the room so she could rest and went to the kitchen to grab a beer and head outside by the pool.  I dipped my feet in the pool and sipped my beer when I heard the sliding door open.  It was Hannah of course.  I knew she was up to something for sure, why else would she come outside at this time?" She came and sat next to me.  "So is Ash asleep?" "Yeah, she is knocked out." We both started at the glowing water in the night.  "Look Colton I never meant for today to feel awkward in any way I just, ever since I first saw you come to the studio for the first time, I liked you but I just didn't want to admit it." I grinned at her and replied.  "Look I know we were young and had Ash and Vince but I gotta admit I kinda like you too." She smiled. "You have a beautiful smile and such beautiful hair it was hard to not notice you."  I hesitated for a second then asked.  "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it one time." She smiled then got up.  "Follow me, I have an idea." She took my hand and walked me down the steps that led to the ocean and close to the bottom was an area with a hot tub.  "Let's give this a try." She turned on the hot tub and jets and looked at me.  She started unbuttoning her blouse and threw it on the ground she then took her bikini top and took it off.  I stared at her breasts for a second.  She then took off her bottoms and threw them right at me.  She walked over to me and slid my shirt off my head then reached her hand down and pulled my pants and rubbed her hand on my genital area.  I picked her up and then took her in the hot tub.  I sat down and she started making out with me.  I pulled her in real tight and started kissing her neck.  She was rubbing her hands up and down my arms and I rubbed my hands across her back she insert her tongue inside my mouth then I started kissing every square inch of her body.  I knew this was so unfaithful to Ashley but we were never gonna be able to get over each other if we didn't.  I needed to do this.
We hopped out of the hot tub and slipped our clothes on.  "Promise you won't tell Vince, I don't want him to come at you for it." I sighed.  "Yeah I wasn't planning on it." We walked back up the steps inside and snuck back into our rooms.  I saw that Ashley was still dead asleep I laid down right next to her.  She wrapped her arms around my neck and we cuddled in close.
She woke up first the next morning and tapped on me.  I sprang awake.  "Good morning, how'd you sleep?" "Fine but what happened and where are my clothes?" She looked around the room trying to find them.  "There on the floor." She gave me a look.  "Last night, did we." I smiled and answered, "Yes, you were drunk." She put her hand on her forehead.  "Yeah and today I have a horrible headache." She took the sheets off of her and walked into the bathroom.  "Um, I'm gonna get a bath then go out shopping with the girls." I walked in behind her and fixed my hair in the mirror.  She got in the tub and pulled her hair back in a clip.  I pulled my shirt off and walked into the closet to change.  "What are you gonna be doing today?" I slipped my shirt on over my head.  "You know, be us, probably go downtown and go to the bar." I walked out and put some deodorant on then walk out of the room.  I walked into the kitchen to see Vince and Hannah gathered around the counter having a conversation.  Behind me was Tiffany and Drake.  "That was some night Drake." He rubbed her back and they walked over to us.  "Looks like someone fucked up last night." Tiffany smiled then looked at Drake.  "Look, Colton we're leaving in five minutes to go have a boys day." I slipped on some sneakers and grabbed my phone then got in Vince's truck outside.

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