"It seems to be the start of a fever." Soviet took his hand away and got up. "I'll wet a towel to try to keep your degree normal. Keep him hydrated." He ordered Germany who nodded and kept helping his father to drink some water until Reich just shook his head and refused to drink more, so Germany laid him down and let Soviet put the towel on his forehead, which made Reich groan and try to push it away.

"Stop being a child now, leave the towel alone." Soviet grumbled as he put Reich's hand away and saw his friend's eyes dart around the dimly lit room tiredly.

"'M fine.." Reich closed his eyes tightly to suppress the bounding headache. "When can we leave this place?" He asked as Soviet shrugged. "No clue. Not until the storm stops that is." He said as he went and sat by the empty couch next to his son. "Try to rest while you can."

Reich passed out asleep while Germany kept changing the towel, as for the others, America was messing around with his phone in hopes of getting a signal, and so did South. North was sitting by the window to see when the storm would calm down, seeing that it didn't change he went and sat next to his brother. Poland was by the bookshelf as he stood there and was reading near the candle he lightened up.

Russia's head was falling with his chin hitting his chest but he'd raise it up not to fall asleep but once he felt his father wrap his arm around him he looked up surprised but Soviet was looking the other way.

Russia smiled tiredly and soon gave up to sleeping on his father's side.


The next time Reich woke up wasn't because of his fever, but from the loud booming sound that actually woke everyone up.

North fell off his chair that he sat on by the window and looked outside in fear, looking at the fallen tree that got struck by lightning. South rushed to his brother and helped him up and Reich sat up weakly, his arms feeling like jelly as he coughed.

"This is not great..we aren't going to survive for long like this." Reich mumbled as he leaned his head back and breathed tiredly.

"Speak for yourself." Soviet muttered as he rubbed his eyes, his other arm still draped over his son who was awake as well, shivering a bit.

Soviet saw his shaking son and took off his coat, putting it over his son who looked at him with confusion. "Father you need it-"

"Don't worry, I'm used to the cold." He smiled in assurance and that was enough to Russia as he drowned in the coat, clutching it tightly and felt too nostalgic as he closed his eyes and brought his knees up.

Soviet got up and walked to Reich and touched his forehead, frowning as he felt him not cooling down. "Germany, bring a towel. If this keeps on..we might have to put you in a cold shower."

"A what?! Are you killing me?!" Reich stood up but began coughing violently as he breathed hoarsely, trying to regain his balance and looked at Soviet. "You wouldn't dare.."

"Either that or suffer in your coughing fit like this." He spat angrily. "We have spare clothes now, I'm fine with just doing it immediately. So appreciate that I'm giving you time." Soviet walked to the window where the Korean siblings were and saw the water flooding the city, he already guessed that the best options in this building and any other is to stay in the second floor and up, by the looks of things.

"Zzz—stay indoors! The sto—zzz—-three days—"
"I'm getting a signal on a live!" America announced as he held his phone for the others to listen.

"Zzz—repeat—-stay indoors! The storm might take three days to a week, keep warm and stay far from ground floors! Emergency lines are heavily at work and —-zzz—-zz— I repeat, stay indoors! The storm might take-"

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