"Don't let my brother hear you Mr litvichenko, he'll hit you even though he would agree." She sang.

Hair down she decided it, so she can feel it against her skin. Deciding against her shoulder pads, she took them off cleaning up her red lipstick that matched the red soles of her black boots. And only then did she turn to look into the eyes of the behemoth she was in love with. She batted her eyelashes, exaggerated the sway of her hips just a little as she beelined for him. He wasn't immune to her that much she knew making her smirk a secret smile that was only for him. He looked like an formidable beast but Nikita Litovchenko was just as affected by her as she was him and it sent delicious shivers down her spine every time.

"Now, there's  not much you can do now is there Mr Litovchenko, after all, I'm a woman on a mission and the path in front of me mapped and cleared by you and my brother."

She patted his cheek letting the hand rest against his chest for a second as she leaned her weight into him. He stood stock still, eyes boring into her. She recognised the look in his eyes, the emotion that made them turn the dark brown it almost looked black.

"I could simply take you over my knee until you understand personal safety." He shrugged nonchalantly.

She snorted into his face. Couldn't help the glint on amusement that for sure was in her eyes and she hated her teeth as if about to bite.

"You could try love, but it wouldn't end well. I'm not a child never got to be and the scars I have only silently scream so." She sneered.

Turning her back on him she decided ignoring him until he let go of his stupid blinding anger would be the most grown up way to deal with him. Especially considering how she knew the man refused to hear rhyme and reason when in a mood. He could rival her pms any day.

"але ти мій" he replied.

The three words had her heart melting a little into a pool at her feet. Made her glare waver as she came to a halt, hand still on the doorknob as she looked back at him over her shoulder. She sighed, loudly before turning her head and leaving him in her room, the door wide open and the beast of nightmares hidden half in the dark.

"You've checked with your men again?" Misha asked once they were alone again.

"Yes, the last family just walked in." He replied eyes scanning the garden.

"And Iskra?" The man stated.

Niki couldn't help the huff that escaped his lips as he glared at the man next to him.

"Your sister got back over an hour ago. Cut to the upper arm but otherwise completely fine. Said it's been taken care of." He crossed his arms as Misha reciprocated his look.

"Watch yourself Niki, you know there's no controlling a woman seeking revenge, you know that." He did, didn't mean he had to like it.

"I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it." He ground out giving up a battle he knew he'd never win.

Misha Skliar regraded him empathy. His sister was no an easy person to deal with, even he knew that. And ever since his boss had come into power he made his sister his equal, giving her every choice she had been robbed of growing up, given her an identity and power that was not defined by what she had between her legs. He respected the man more for it considering the younger Skliar sibling had been beaten, bruised and scarred up by her father and his men when she should have been protected. Safe to say a thirst for blood made the Skliar siblings people you didn't want as enemies in this day and age.

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