7: Haunted

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I'm involved. What does that even mean...

Is that creature going to come after me?

Tristan hadn't elaborated much but insisted that he would talk to Selene and Ryker about looping me in on their plans. Then he gave me his phone number just as the bell for first period rang.

It's all too crazy and it's only my second day! If every day is going to be like this then I'm not sure I can make it through a single week at Birch Hill.

"Earth to Brooklyn."

I jump and turn towards the voice to find Zoey waving a hand in my face.

We're sitting outside on some stairs overlooking the field. My eyes had been glued to the sunlight reflecting off of the broken glass strewn across the basketball courts. Glass from a gym window...

"Did you hear? Some kids came by last night and vandalized the place," Zoey scoffs between bites of her liquorice, "People need to get better hobbies."

Zoey was nice enough to eat her lunch with me when I said I wanted to eat outside

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Zoey was nice enough to eat her lunch with me when I said I wanted to eat outside. I wouldn't have minded being alone with my thoughts right now, but since she's here I may as well try and sate my curiosity.

"Zoey, have you lived here your whole life?"

The dark haired girl raises a brow, "Unfortunately I have. Why?"

The light gleaming off of the glass is blinding as I look back towards it, "Have you ever heard of anything weird happening here?"

"Weird?" Zoey laughs. "I don't think there's a single person here who isn't weird."

I turn back to her, "I'm not kidding. Have you?"

She freezes and looks me up and down with a frown, "Oh. You're into all that ghost hunting stuff, aren't you?"

"What do you mean?"

Zoey rolls her eyes, "Birch Hill is known for its weird happenings. Didn't you guys pick up a brochure before moving here?"

Something tells me mom wasn't concerned with the culture as much as us not becoming homeless, so it's not surprising neither of us has heard about this towns reputation.

"What kinds of weird things?" I ask, and Zoey chirps a derisive laugh, "The usual stuff. Spottings of weird apparitions, unexplained phenomena, and rumours about a creature in the woods..."

So other people have seen it!

"A creature?" I can't keep the shake from my voice and Zoey grins, seemingly amused by my fear.

"Yeah," she's peeling open an orange now and starts making clawing motions over the skin, "It'll hunt you down and rip you apart!"

When I flinch her joking demeanour rapidly shifts into bewilderment and then disbelief.

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