Chapter 14

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Sighing contently, Shui nuzzled a little closer to the warmth coming from in front of him. A faint pressure that had been settled against his lower back nudged him a little closer to that heat in response, but he didn't mind. Not at all. In fact, he scooted himself a little closer, even though, in the back of his mind, he knew that he couldn't get any closer. 

"I didn't know that Shui-ge liked to cuddle so much," came a deep, whispered voice next to his ear seconds before a warm, damp heat enveloped the lobe of it. 

His mind stirred a bit as teeth began to nibble on that same earlobe, sending foreign, uncomfortable shivers through his tired body. 

"" he mumbled, his words barely audible in the dark room. 

They seemed plenty audible to the person using their teeth to now tug on his ear, however, because those teeth stopped their attentions abruptly, then were thankfully removed from his poor, sore earlobe. 

"Sleep," he mumbled as he felt the man move against him a bit more before their foreheads seemed to brush against each other. Lian Zeishen's bangs tickled his nose as they settled, making Shui tuck his head against the man's chest with a quiet grumble. 

He just wanted to sleep.  

"I have to go, Shui-ge."

Go? As in, leave him alone? Was that a thing that Lian Zeishen actually did? 

"Mm, okay," he mumbled out eventually. 

When the man still settled against him didn't move, but instead gave out a deep, quiet chuckle, Shui finally cracked open his blurry eyes and looked up... just in time for him to see the shadowed man lean down and press their mouths together. 

This man... can't just leave quietly, can he? 

The lips covering his mouth slowly began to trail down along his jaw, making Shui roll onto his back as he tried, pathetically, to get away from the attention. Unsurprisingly, Lian Zeishen followed his movements with his own, moving overtop his body in one fluid motion. 

Shui was just opening his mouth to reprimand him and finally shoo him away when he suddenly clenched his jaw and hissed in pain. Lian Zeishen had evidently thought that it was a wise decision to lick the tether he'd literally carved into the upper part of his neck right at that moment!

Suddenly much more awake, and annoyed, Shui shoved Lian Zeishen off of him, then turned and gave him his back before pulling the covers back up to his neck. He could hear the man's growing giggles as Lian Zeishen tried to stifle them, but clearly not well enough. 

He eventually quieted, then crept closer as Shui felt the bed depress here and there. To his surprise, however, when Lian Zeishen finally touched him again, it was just to brush a few strands of his bangs away from his face, then press a barely-there kiss to his cheek. 

"Be good, Shui-ge."

Shui scowled in the darkness as he pulled the blanket up even higher, until it covered most of his face, too.  

Another deep chuckle danced around the room, but there was also another faint sound intermingled with it this time. Rustling and movement. 

Shui slowly lowered the blanket and glanced toward where he heard Lian Zeishen moving about. He couldn't see him all that well without a single candle lit, but he could see enough of an outline to understand what he was doing. 

Wait a second... that's my bag. 

"Zeishen?" he questioned, making the man kneeling in front of his bag quickly hop to his feet and turn slightly, holding up a sack of something...

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