Chapter 13

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His heart was thrumming like a bee as he was scooted back a little more by that strong arm around his waist. 

"Shui-ge..." Lian Zeishen whispered as his other hand drifted over his warm skin until it settled, squeezing gently, against his throat. 

Shui swallowed, feeling his adam's apple brush against Lian Zeishen's hand as it rose, then fell within his throat. He could feel the man's warm breath as he leaned away the slightest amount and turned his head, its faint mist warming the spot right beneath his ear every few moments. 

A shiver eventually shook his shoulders, the movement immediately drawing Lian Zeishen's attention, because the faint breaths abruptly stopped. 

Refusing to even turn around to see what the man's expression had changed to, Shui, instead, swallowed down more nerves and looked over toward the vanity. 

"L-let me clean up your hair," he said quietly, right before wincing and jerking his left shoulder as he felt a hot tongue press against his skin. 

His sudden reaction was evidently hilarious, because the man behind him began laughing as he pressed his face into the crook of his neck. He seemed to have a bit of trouble controlling his little fit, too, because it took him nearly two full minutes before he was able to stop. 

"Shui-ge, my patience is limited. If you do not wish to fulfill our deal upon the agreed terms, perhaps you would consider a different option?" Lian Zeishen said before his darn tongue slipped out to swipe at Shui's neck again. 

Thankfully, this time he was able to hold back the shiver it caused, but he didn't doubt that the guy knew how he was affecting him, anyways, considering he heard him chuckle again right afterward. 

Pursing his lips, Shui hesitantly looked over his shoulder as Lian Zeishen lifted his face away from his neck, a cold look in his dark eyes.

"What other option?" he asked hesitantly.

He had no doubt in his mind that the guy wouldn't let him off easy if he broke their deal, so whatever he had in mind was probably much worse than a simple call tether. 

When he felt the man's hand slowly begin to trail upward along his thin robe from where it had been settled at his waist, Shui couldn't hold back a third shiver as he tried to lean away, but simply pressed himself closer against Lian Zeishen. 

"T-tether," he hurriedly rasped out as he turned his face away and reached up, intercepting the man's hand right before it could slip in between the fabric crossing his chest. 

He heard Lian Zeishen hum for a moment before he, thankfully, withdrew his hands and scooted away. 

Not wanting to risk frustrating him further, Shui quickly turned around to face him as he crossed his legs, then slowly reached out one hand, palm-up. 

To his surprise, Lian Zeishen simply stared at his hand for a few moments before lifting his narrowed eyes up to his own. 

"I don't want to put my tether there," he said with audible restraint in his words.

Hesitantly retracting his hand, Shui looked down at his wrist, then back up at Lian Zeishen, confused. 

"Your tether is on your wrist..." he said quietly, then looked at his other wrist before holding it out to the man. 

Perhaps he just wants ours to match sides? 

When Lian Zeishen slowly reached up to grab his wrist, Shui let out a tired sigh of relief. Except, when the man simply tightened his grip and glared at him, he felt his stomach drop. 

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