40 - December 16

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"[Soldier]," Karpov's voice barked. Bucky's head snapped obediently towards the screen. He could hear Karpov's smirk.

Grainy camera footage lit up the screen, showing a dark dirt road surrounded by trees.

Karpov continued. "Mission report. December 16, 2021."

"I know that road." Tony frowned. "What is this?"

Bucky felt his breath hitch. He couldn't remember that mission exactly, but Karpov's order prompted random images to cycle through his memory.

On the screen, a vintage car drove quickly into view on the dark dirt road. It was surrounded by trees, looking desolate. There was a bang, like a gunshot, and the car's tyre was punctured before swerving off the road and crashing into the trees. The bonnet quickly crumpled and went up in flames.

Natasha glanced over at Bucky and Tony. Both looked distressed, but for different reasons. She understood what was going on, understood what had happened and realised what would happen now. There was nothing she could do. It was inevitable.

Bucky dreaded the worst for the situation, which became apparent when a motorcycle sped into sight. The cyclist was clad in thick black clothing, leather gloves and had a shining metal arm. Bucky's stomach churned. He held his left arm closer to his body.

Tony's mind went into overdrive as he watched the Winter Soldier on the screen. He didn't want to see this. He didn't need to see the boy sitting mere feet away from him punching his father or strangling his mother, to leave them both a millimetre from death but alive nonetheless.

Hit after hit was brutally filmed as Howard Stark was held by his shirt collar and repeatedly punched by the Winter Soldier. Even on the poor quality surveillance, the blood shed from his face was sickening. The Soldier stalked around to the passenger seat and stood casually beside the car with his bloody metal hand around Maria's neck.

Once the Winter Soldier caused his damage as instructed, he stomped powerfully toward the security camera. His eyes were creepily blank as he glared down the lens, messy hair framing his face. Natasha averted her eyes as the soldier pointed a gun to the camera and fired.

The video went black and, after an excruciating second, Tony's laptop flashed back to normal. But no one noticed.

Tony's eyes flicked to Bucky, his sharp gaze a mix of betrayal and pain and anger. His jaw was tight, body tense. He wasn't expecting to be met with Bucky's own stare, though; glistening with tears.

Bucky watched Tony apprehensively as his vision blurred slightly from the tears that sprung in his eyes. The others looked nervously between the two.

Suddenly, Tony looked to Steve, Natasha and Sam again. "Did you know?" he questioned lowly.

Natasha and Sam shook their heads. Steve remained frozen.

"Don't bullsh*t me, Rogers. Did you know?"

"No," Steve breathed. It was true.

Tony turned back to Bucky. His anger simmered closed to the surface, but his voice was quiet.

"Were you gonna tell me?"

"I didn't know," Bucky said shakily.

"Liar!" Tony shouted, standing up abruptly. Bucky flinched back. "How could you not remember that?"

"I didn't!" Bucky responded defensively. He grit his teeth, his fists were balled.

"You nearly killed them! It was all your fault! You ruined our lives."

"It wasn't him, Tony," Steve tried, holding his hands between the two.

Tony lunged towards Bucky anyway and grabbed his metal hand, holding it up. "It was this hand! Their blood is probably still dried in the cracks somewhere." He stepped back again, shuffling over to the windows with his hands resting on his head.

Natasha panicked. "Tony, HYDRA controlled his mind. He had no choice!"

"I don't care! He nearly killed them!" Tony cried. He approached Bucky again, his face red with anger. "All this time and it was you!"

"Tony, I'm sorry-"

A sudden punch was sent Bucky's way. It hit him right in the nose and he instantly jumped up. Tony gripped Bucky's shirt by his neck, glaring at him angrily. Bucky shoved him off and followed Tony menacingly as he staggered back. Tony's angry exterior faltered as he was struck by fear.

"Don't add me to your list of blood shed," he warned, voice breaking.

The dangerous look slipped from Bucky's face. He didn't want to fight Tony. He didn't want to fight anyone.

"Tony-" Sam tried.

"I don't want to hear it, Wilson. I'm leaving. I can't be in the same room as this monster... You're lucky I'm not calling the cops!" A tear slid down Tony's cheek. He laughed bitterly and swallowed away his sorrow. "At least I have closure now."

The door slammed behind him after he quickly grabbed his laptop and they listened to the roar of his car fade down the street.

Bucky was impossible to read, standing with his back to the others. He sniffed and turned around with his head down. With his right hand, he wiped under his nose and smeared the blood dripping from it across his face. He peered at the others expectantly. Weren't they going to yell at him too? Tell him to get out?

"We understand, man," Sam said instead.

"What you did all those years... it wasn't you," Steve added sincerely. He looked his best friend in the eyes. "You didn't have a choice."

"But I did it."

Lifeless eyes flashed through Bucky's mind. Screams. Cries. "No, please-"

Bucky closed his eyes tightly before rapidly blinking away tears. He grimaced. "I'm sorry you had to see that." He noisily grabbed his phone and keys and started heading for the front door. "Everything's gone to sh*t," he seethed.

"Where are you going?" Natasha finally spoke, urgency leaving her voice.

Bucky only answered with the click of the door shutting.

"Sh*t," she cursed, following suit and getting her phone and car keys. "Someone get in contact with Tony, because as rudely as he reacted what we just watched was horrible. In the meantime, I'm going after Bucky."

Steve and Sam watched in shock, helpless, as Natasha left after him.

A/N - I know this is a bit underwhelming compared to the movie but they couldn't fight to the verge of death (Tony last very long against Bucky unfortunately) so this is what I could do - also to ensure they have a reparable friendship.
I also wanted Steve to go after Bucky at the end because I feel like there's not a lot to show their friendship, but we know they're besties already. Besides I want to add to BuckyNat more, so that's what we're doing instead.

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