31 - HYDRA Mail

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A/N - implied swearing at the end because it adds to the characterisation lol. Would you like me to add an 'implied swearing' warning to chapters?

Some time after the others left, Steve, Bucky, Sam and Natasha settled in to their beds in the lounge room for the night. Sam and Bucky were on the couches perpendicular to each other, with Nat and Steve on separate inflatable mattresses parallel to Bucky's couch. They lied there and chatted lazily, sharing around lollies despite having already cleaned their teeth. It was a relaxed environment, comfortable, and Bucky was hoping he wouldn't have a nightmare.

"I can't believe your parents let you have a sleepover with us, Nat," Sam was saying. "My ma wouldn't let my little sister Sarah sleep over with a bunch of boys."

"Steve's like my brother," Nat replied, throwing a lolly up to Sam which he caught in his mouth.

Steve propped himself onto his elbows, looking curiously at Bucky. "Buck, I've never asked, do you have any siblings?"

Natasha shot a warning glance at Steve, pursing her lips. Bucky frowned in thought, eyes unfocused.

"I had a sister."

And it was true. He had had these faint memories come and go all is life. Now that his memory hadn't been wiped for the longest time ever, the memories were coming back stronger. Flashes of a baby, a laugh, bright eyes, curly brown hair on a small head. Sometimes of a thin woman with straight hair, a man with blue eyes, a bricked apartment and a green quilt...

Natasha's head snapped to look up at Bucky. He stole her a quick glance.

"'Had?'" Sam asked gently.

"Yeah. I... I guess we were split up years ago, haven't seen her since."

"That's awful," Steve added.

Bucky shrugged. "I was young."

"I can't believe the system would do that though. I mean I can't imagine getting separated from Sarah. She's annoying but I love her," Sam said pointedly.

"There's a lot of things I can't believe," Nat added. She was still peering at Bucky, curiosity filling her mind about what he remembered of his family.

There was a sudden shriek from Steve as a pack of lollies landed square on his chest.

"Keep them away from me," Bucky said dramatically. "I don't want to eat anymore."

Steve chuckled and dug his hand through the bag. "There's hardly any left!"


After a few minutes of Sam telling them to shut up, they all eventually fell into a sleepy silence. Sam curled into the couch while Steve dozed off straight away, leaving Bucky and Natasha. Natasha dozed on and off for quite a while, never fully being able to get to sleep. She was trying to figure out why when she finally noticed the subtle, panicky breaths coming from the couch next to her.

She lifted her hand up to the couch gently and whispered his name.

Bucky quickly turned to her in response, worry etched on his face. He looked at her hand hanging in the air near his face.

Avengers High School - Winter SoldierHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin