12- Old gangs and Val

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Despite that lingering fear of Rumlow's group (or all people) knowing about his wild past, Bucky still managed a good few days at school with his friends. It was a sunny Friday and he had been invited to Sharon's house party that night with the others. More exciting, however, was the school incursion for a self-defence and survival-skills ex-Army training program in a few days. Bucky was keen yet anxious, hoping nothing triggered him, and had a plan to get the permission slip signed by Val for Monday.

Otherwise, he'd sign it himself.

On another note, the year 12 Leavers jackets had arrived.

The group waltzed proudly around the school, not like they hadn't before, brandishing the navy and maroon colours. It also meant Bucky didn't have to wear the grey jumper anymore.

"Whats yours say on the back?" Sam asked as they sat around the table for lunch.



"'Iron Man'."

Steve put his hands out to interrupt. "Where does that come from?"

"Inside-jokes. Science bros," Tony said.

Him and Bruce fist-bumped.

To prove his point, another science kid called out, "Nice jacket, Hulk!" With a big smile.

Bruce shyed away, eating his food and smiling.

"I got 'Hawkeye'," Clint continued, making a gesture of shooting a bow and arrow.

Sam pulled a face. "Nooo, they'll think we matched! Mine's 'Falcon'!"

"Bird bros," Natasha laughed.

Clint tried to push her off the chair so she pushed him back. He fell messily on the floor.

Nat and Bucky shared a smile, chuckling.

"Did you get 'Captain', Steve?" Clint said, now back on the chair.

"Should've been 'Captain America'," Tony joked, pointing at the American flag pencil Steve was flipping in his fingers.

Steve shook his head. "Didn't want to seem big-headed. I just got 'Rogers'."

Natasha raised an eyebrow at Bucky, silently asking him the question.

"'Barnes'," Bucky supplied.

A few others had cool nicknames relevant to their skills and pastimes but Bucky didn't think 'Winter Soldier' would be a good idea.

He wondered if people actually knew who the Winter Soldier was, that maybe he could reveal his metal arm, at least to his friends. How many high school kids would know about a secret Russian ex-assassin? He didn't like wearing the glove anyway. But he had a nagging thought that someone would recognise him... and it would all spiral out of control.

A piece of him wanted to tell people, get him help but no. He was tough, he was fine, he didn't need help.

Besides, if anyone found out he was a Russian assassin who committed crimes of terrorism against the US (against his will, too) he would be imprisoned. Or taken back by HYDRA.

Juvie was becoming a prospect too, as Bucky adjusted more to society and now realised that he hadn't done the best things not too long ago before school. He didn't like to think about it, but when he first started living in the U.S after his covert 'extraction' from HYDRA, when he didn't know too much about normal life, he managed to get himself caught up with the wrong people doing the wrong thing. They were a small group of dodgy guys in their 20s.

Avengers High School - Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now