3- Mr Mac's Class

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Steve, Bucky, Sam and Nat all walked into their last lesson of the day. English with Mr Mac - the literal school policeman with the school handbook imprinted in his brain.

Bucky followed his friends to the back of the class, relieved to find a spare seat next to them. Across the room, Rumlow and Pierce glared thoughtfully at Bucky as they sat down. They looked like they were trying to remember something. Bucky didn't like that. He glared back. They looked away.

"James. Welcome. My name is Mr Mac."

"You can call me Bucky, sir."

"Well, Bucky, are you aware of the school rules?"

The entire class turned to look at Bucky. He stole a glance at Steve. He didn't like this teacher.

" 'Course."

"Well obviously not. So before I decide to give you detention: tuck in that shirt, remove the necklace, fix the hair and get some proper shoes. I don't know where you came from, but it obviously didn't care for presentation," Mr Mac grumbled.

Steve watched as Bucky's face turned dark and he tensed up. It threw him off. What was going on in his head?


English went for way too long. Mr Mac had decided he didn't like Bucky at all and that ended up spreading to Steve, Nat and Sam.

"He's so demanding. And bossy," Sam was going on a rant about their teacher.

"He's a teacher, Sam, he's meant to," Steve said.

Bucky had stormed ahead, desperate to get away from that class. The entire time he had been acting odd - his eyes darted around the room frantically, his leg bounced up and down in his seat, pen twirling in his hand and mind away with the fairies.

"Do you reckon he's okay? He was acting off," Steve continued.

"Something's up," Nat said.

"Yeah, you said that earlier, Nat. What were you on about?" Sam asked.

"I'm trying to figure that out."

And she left.

The sea of students parted for Steve and Sam, and the conversation swayed to the upcoming football tryouts (A/N football as in Australian Rules Football- because that is the best sport I know to write about. I know this is in New York not Australia but roll with it, thanks :)) . Steve, Thor and Sam got into the team every year, as well as a few others and, unfortunately, Pierce and his crew. They were very defensive over their spots on the team, giving anyone new a hard time even if they just tried out - let alone got in. If someone got one of their spots, the whole group would make it their best interest to make that person regret it.

They finally got back to their lockers just as Bucky was leaving.

"Bucky!" Steve called.

The brunette swung around, that blank look back on his face, hair falling messily.

Steve smiled at him in a hope to cheer him up. "You gonna try out for the footy team? Sign-ups are up tomorrow. It's a huge thing here. We will be."

Bucky thought about it. "Maybe... see you tomorrow."

Then he turned around to walk home.

"You know what I feel like?" Sam suddenly said. "A Big Mac."

So Steve drove Sam through the McDonalds drive-thru for a burger.

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