13- Rumlow and the Party Fight

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Sharon's house was a big family home like Steve's, except situated in the outer suburbs and surrounded by woodlands. Also without the parents - apparently it was a free house for the night.

"Buck, you were homeschooled yeah? You ever been to a high school party? Coz' I gotta warn you..."

"Yeah, Sam, I have."

And he had, with that dodgy group of guys who he got caught up with. They'd drag him along to parties, showing off what they'd stole over the week and boasting about how Bucky was part of their gang. He hadn't been completely unexposed to these social gatherings with HYDRA, having spied on and observed people for many missions, however still didn't know much. He learnt his lesson the hard way after the first few...

"Good," Steve chuckled.

They walked into the modern house all together, squeezing past people to get to the open outdoor area where Nat and Clint were. The crowds were making Bucky anxious so he was relieved they were going to spend most of their time outside.

Many pairs of eyes watched as the three footballers made their way outside, something that made Bucky both uncomfortable and confused.

Music was blasting through fancy light up speakers around the pool as partygoers waddled around with cups and food in their hands, dancing and laughing.

"Finally!" Clint exclaimed, waving around a slice of pizza. He cheers'ed his lemonade with Steve's coke.

"Had to wait for someone to scale down a wall," Sam provided with a grin.

Bucky put his hands up guiltily as he accepted a spring roll from Natasha.

"Doors too boring for you, Barnes?" Natasha said in her usual smooth yet gravelly voice.

They sat down at some lounge chairs, Bucky's eyes discreetly darting around as he mapped out the venue: exits, threats, places to hide, potential weapons - it was an unconscious behaviour that he didn't realise he was doing until after.

As they all laughed with their food and drinks and at other people being stupid, especially those same girls from the hallway at school trying to party with them all, the hours flew by until a bit before midnight when Sharon announced they were going for a walk through the woods.

Steve looked bewildered. "Are they insane?"

He saw Peggy following the few walking, carefully treading over tree roots and rocks. Her gaze found his and she nodded towards the rest of the group for him to follow.

"I guess we're going," Sam said.

The moonlight was obscured and hidden by the tall trees, as laughter died down to be replaced by the eery crunching of leaves. Steve and Clint had wandered up to Peggy and her friend Laura whilst Sam chatted with other mates, leaving Bucky and Nat walking at the back of the group.

Both took near silent footsteps.

It was quiet but comfortable, familiar.

"You've settled in well, I would say," Nat said to Bucky, glancing his way as they walked.

"Yeah, it's great. Thanks for... taking me in."

"No problem."

Bucky snapped a twig off a tree and started twirling it in his fingers, simultaneously avoiding tripping over rocks. Natasha picked up a rock, putting a finger to her lips.

The group ahead had stopped in a slight clearing to stare at the stars, enveloped in a peaceful silence... until Natasha through the rock off to the side and it made a startling noise through the undergrowth.

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