"Gonna grab me again?" I asked jokingly. She flushed and groaned.

"I just woke up"

"So?" I asked "I had also 'just woken up' when you grabbed me" I said teasing her.

She pouted.


Victoria's POV

"I'm gonna have a banana pancake with Nutella and that's final!" I said strictly pointing my finger in the air.

"Ok fine fine" Seokjin said

"Then I'm also having one" Jungkook looking at his hyung's. They looked at him and sighed

"Ok" Namjoon sighed

"Two Banana pancakes with Nutella, one egg n Toast..." Seokjin was talking the waiter while me and Jungkook looked at eachother with shining eyes.

We're so smart.

"Definitely" Jungkook answered in my head.

Our order came and I eyed it, my mouth watering when he put it down infront of me something was at the side of the plate.... Don't think.

I picked it up and looked around Jungkook was stuffing his face and the others were busy doing whatever. I looked down and saw a number.

"Call me" was written

I looked up at the waiter and he looked back and winked. EWWWW

I crushed up the paper and stuffed it into my pocket. I looked up and saw everyone looking at me... Omg the banana pancake looks really nice yk? So delicious. Hell haven't even tried it...

I picked up the fork and knife and started cutting it before stuffing my face with it. A moan escaped my mouth. Now this was heaven. I opened my eyes after swallowing it to see everyone staring at me.


Their hooded eyes went back to their food and started eating.

"Baby, don't moan like that... It's not really easy for me" Jungkook said in my head. I looked at him. Ummm

I opened my mouth and put in my fork in slowly.


I looked at Seokjin.

"Are you trying to seduce us"

"I'm not trying to seduce you" I said calmly even tho I'm freaking out! What the hell does seduce even mean!?! I looked down at my fork putting it down.

"Would you like me to seduce you?" I asked looking up with a raised eyebrow, resting my chin of the back of my hands. Everyone looked shocked. Um what did I say now?

"Jagiya you do realise what you just said right?" Namjoon asked, I looked at him. Um yes....no? I don't know?

"Princess..." Hobi called, I looked at him. He sighed. "We'll talk about this later" he said focusing back on his food.

We finished our food in silence and Namjoon called the waiter with the bill as everyone around the table got up. The waiter who was the same who gave me the note nodded his head at me asking about the note, standing behind Namjoon. I shook my head as I took the note and opened it. It was scribbled in a hurry. 

"Hey beautiful, call me?"

And underneath that was a number. I looked up back at him. He would be around 18 I'm guessing. But I don't think so I like him... He's cute I guess but he was very shy type... How do I say it? Not my type? I shook my head at him and he looked down. Someone suddenly snatched the paper I was holding and rested their elbows on my shoulders as they read the note while the boy looked with slight horror. The person finished reading the note and bent down from the back whispering in my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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