First Day

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A shrill ring interrupted my wonderful beauty sleep.

I groaned stretching my hands to find my phone. I clutched the familiar metal item in my hand as I answered the call

"hello? don't you know your not supposed to disturb people when their busy well then if you have not please go learn some manners!" I said over the phone feeling frustrated

"oi! wake up it's 8:15" Lisa said 

"8:15!" I exclaimed as I shot up and sat straight and rushed to the bathroom throwing my phone on the bed

"nothing new" Lisa said as she cut the call

after having a shower I rushed downstairs grabbing my bag 

"at least have breakfast!" mom said as I rushed past her

"no time I'm late~" I replied 

"but your late every day it wont change if you sit and have a sandwich!"

"NO" I screamed while rushing out of the gate

I got in the car as Lisa started the car and drove down the road. 

"Ok remember, make some new friends. This is a fresh start, don't let the past bother you" Lisa said gesturing with her hand, eyes on the road. "I mean like you could make a whole other future here" She said as she turned to me shooting a playful grin. I smiled. 

"Ok I promise unnie I'll try" I said trying to sound at least a bit confident. 

"That's my girl" Lisa said putting her hand on my knee rubbing it in a soothing manner. "Oh and please don't get yourself in trouble" She said looking at me again with pleading eyes. I laughed "Lisa when have I ever got in trouble?" I asked dramatically, she laughed. "I know but... you know since-" 

"I get it but.. can we please not talk about it?" I asked. My past pained me too much to think about it... It was too traumatizing. 

"I know baby...oh and if any boys do anything stupid just kick their ass to Mars ok?" She said totally changing the mood of the car. I laughed slightly at her comment. 

"I definitely will" 

The rest of the car ride was mostly silent as we neared the school. She stopped the car giving me all her warnings about boys and getting into trouble, telling me to eat properly and what not. I got out saying yes to everything. 

"bye unnie!"I said waving to the car I was just dropped of in 

(unnie means big sister or a girl older then you out of respect you say it)

then I turned around and started walking to the building 

suddenly out of no where I tripped over something and fell on a hard chest and to think I came here to have a new start... I'm still as clumsy... I thought fresh starts were where you change.

"ow" A voice groaned under me

I lifted my head to see a beautiful face beneath me, I just stayed like that and admired the beautiful face. Wow.

"I know I'm handsome" the boy said winking

"h-huh" I stuttered suddenly remembering our situation 

I got up embarrassed 

??'s POV 

I got up and dusted my clothes then I look at the girl

Oh my god! She's so beautiful!

"Hi beautiful" I said winking at her

she flushed for a minute and then look uninterested 

"your first day and you already fell for me" I said winking at her again

Victoria's POV

"I'm Jimin btw and you are?" 

I didn't say any thing and stayed silent looking away from the angel infront of me. Jimin was short but still happened to be taller then me he had brown eyes and Blond and black mix colour of hair he had the cutest facial features, He was an angel on earth! Literally! 

"or would you like to be called beautiful instead" Jimin said winking at me. What did Lisa say again? Kick their asses to Mars right?

"Is there something wrong with your eye?" I said looking at him acting concerned while Jimin looked dumbfounded while someone behind him started laughing both of us turned to see the person laughing. 

The person continued laughing his head off 

"not funny hyung" Jimin said pouting looking cute 

the boy who was laughing came to Jimin's side and put one are around Jimin's shoulder still laughing

"I'm Seokjin by the way nice to meet you" 

"I'm Victoria" I said looking at the person he had long jet black hair and darker brown eyes then Jimin, with a sharp jaw and broad shoulders and muscular body, he was almost 6 feet tall I would say 

"ok Victoria welcome to our school Victoria let me show you too the principals office" 

"let US show her to the principals office" Jimin corrected the taller boy, empathizing the word 'us'. Seokjin, wow I didn't know that such beautiful people existed

"fine fine whatever" Seokjin and Jimin showed me to the principals office and then to my class and for some reason every one- mostly girls started screaming as soon as they entered wow these guys must be popular like I was in every school I went.

A/n: oofff that's hard this my second time writing it bcoz instead of coping it I did godknows what and without know I deleted it bcoz I need it somewhere else

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