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Even I just thought their a mistake I'm still turning to them for comfort.... Taehyung continued to rub my back soothingly. Maybe it wasn't a mistake.... Maybe their the right ones..... I don't know. I don't want to take the risk and make the same mistake like last time. But maybe this time it's different.... They haven't done anything too match the symptoms... Maybe...... Maybe their right....

I wish my past better... Maybe they'll fix it? Just then the teacher entered and I ripped myself from Taehyungs arms and wiped my tears looking down the whole lesson. 


"Victoria?" A familiar deep voice said, running a hand through my hair. I sat up sleepily, I turned towards the person. 

"Oh my god look people an Angel" I said pointing sleepily to the person. The person grinned cockily, amusement filled in his eyes. "Come on get up it's the end of the period" he said and I finally snapped out of the daze. "Oh god..." I said sitting up proper. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and Taehyung picked me up in bridle style. "I'm sorry Taehyung I was sleepy.." I shyly said not meeting his eyes. He chuckled. 

"I know kitten" Taehyung answered. He walked down the halls taking me to my next class. I smiled and snuggled into his chest. 

"May I come in ma'am?" Taehyung asked standing in the door way. The teacher looked at us and smiled. 

"Found one I see" She chuckled, Taehyung smiled. "This is one is forever" He replied going to our seat siting. What did they say? I don't think I heard right. I'll ask later. Ugh for the first time in my life I think school is boring ......I mean not the first time And this teacher is really cool she's always making us laugh. 

The classes passed and lunch came. Me and Jimin walked down the halls. I opened my locker just lookin at the letters. Why must it be me? Go after Ava! No wait I regret that I take that back, scratch that. It's ok love me I'll just ummm break their hearts? No......

I looked down remembering a particular boy who was heart breaker, well he wasn't but he did break people hearts. No no no no don't think about him. I slammed the locker shut and looked at Jimin. Who was staring at me leaning against his locker. His locker was just opposite me. "Who?" He asked. I just blinked. 

"What?" I asked confused. 

"Who were you thinking of?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Jimin he's just a person from the past, lets not talk about him" I pleaded and Jimin stood up properly. "Fine" He said and interlocked our hands, turning towards of the cafeteria but Ava and her minions popped up. 

"What do you want" I said my voice icy cold. "Your touching what's not yours again" She pointed to our hands. I glared at her, I wanted to pounce in her. I lunged at her but was pulled back by Jimin.

"You bitch" I growled, gritting my teeth. "Calm down baby" Jimin said in my head wrapping his arms around my stomach. "Yah you plastic waste get out of my eyes" Jimin said growling at her. Ava stared at Jimin blankly. "I know you want me" She said flipping her hair and batting her eyelashes at him. Jimin gritted his teeth. 

"Ava don't you know when your not wanted or liked?" A voice said from the darkness. I recognized it immediately. Felix.

I calmed down. His voice wasn't normal it was threatening. Ava turned to the voice and Felix appeared out of the darkness, he was wearing a black leather jacket. "Felix!" She jumped and started fixing her hair. "I'm sorry I had no idea you were here" She stated in a honey sweet voice. I swear my ears are gonna bleed. Felix looked down at her with an ice cold stare. 

"Fuck off" He said and Ava looked stunned. 

"W-what?" She stuttered, looking horrified. 

"Do you need to be told twice?" He asked, raising brown. Me and Jimin just stood there watching. Well that's cold and damn his voice is deep. 

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