Perverted Jimin

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Next morning I woke up with light hitting my face I got up stretching my body as I walked over to the window and saw how beautiful the garden is in the light I saw Electra running down there playing with Jungkook and Yoongi. I walked to the bathroom and had a shower and waked out in my towel and went to my cupboard and just as I was about to open my cupboard I heard a knock on the door. Oh god people just can't leave a person to pick their cloths in peace! 

"yes?" I said turning to the door

the door opened revealing Jimin, he saw me and immediately blushed and looked away and blushed rubbing his nape with his hand why is he blushing?

"just came to tell you breakfast was ready" Jimin said shyly still looking away why- oh....THIS PERVERT!!! I SWEAR HE'S GONNA DIE TODAY! 

"yah get out!" I shouted at him tightening the towel around my body more, covering my chest with my hands 

"huh?" he said confused his hand hanging is the air near his nape as he looking at me 

"get out!!!" 

"your the one who let me in!!!" Jimin retorted putting his hand down

"I did not say enter did I!?!?!" I retorted 

"well how am I supposed to know!" Jimin shouted back 

"by using your brain!!"

"you should have warned me!!" Jimin said 



"well it's called common sense" 

"which you don't have"

"oh hello at least I have a brain" 

"who sad I don't? "

"I don't know the fact you don't use it!!!"

I just realized that I was inches away from Jimin's face standing in the middle of the room, I moved back making Jimin also realize the positions we were in he also moved back 

"I'll get going, sorry for invading your privacy" Jimin said looking down and rubbing his nape now he's apologizing!

"it's ok" I said also looking down, I felt kind of guilty for shouting at him.

Jimin opened and closed the door behind him and went down leaving me flustered as I turned to the cupboard and took out cloths and quickly changed. I know it was bad to shout at him but it was like a reflex action.

I walked down stairs and went down the hall way to the dinning room, as I entered all the attention comes to me and as I look at the scene I meet Jimin's eyes and he blushed and looked away. I walk over to the empty seat next to Jimin and Jungkook 

"Good morning" I wished with a smile looking all around the table after sitting down 

"Good morning" they all wished me greeting me with a smile of their own.. except Yoongi. He's like an ice cube just gotta melt him. 

after breakfast we went into the Limo and drove to school


"ohhhh hello!!!" A girl called Ava said coming up to the group while I was standing in the middle surrounded by the boys

"hi" I said plainly god why do these girl put so much of makeup

"eww who are you?" she said seeing me oh god these barbie dolls! "get away from them!" Ava said about to push me but Jungkook who was standing next to me stood in front of me so she could not lay a finger on me hah! beat that!

"oh oppa" Ava said embarrassed retreating her hands putting her hair behind her ear

"don't call me your oppa I'm not your oppa" Jungkook answered coldly 

"but oppa-" 

"he just said not to call him your oppa" I said appearing from behind him

"and who are you to tell me what to do?" Ava said turning towards me with her hands on her hips

"your worst nightmare" with that I took Jungkook's hand and dragged him with me to the entrance of the school while the other members gave Ava a death glare and followed me. Hah that was so cringe. 'Worst night mare'? Wow when do I come up with stuff like that? That's so weird... anyways

as we entered Felix stopped me

"hey" He said

"hey" I said back to Felix walking past him to my locker

"I need some help in math and I know your an expert in it so could you tutor me?" he said leaning against the locker 

"and why don't you ask 'miss pretty Ava, top of the class'" I said rolling my eyes 

"because she's a slut" he answered with such a straight face shocked I snapped my head towards Felix omg he's mah friend finally someone who sees through her thick makeup

"well at least someone sees the truth about her" I answered honestly turning to my locker taking out my books 

"yep and btw where are your 'knight in shining armor'?" He said looking around 

"I don't know" I said looking around the hall way as well

and then I saw Jungkook pinned to the wall by Ava at the end of the hall Suddenly I felt my blood boil anger hitting me like a bullet. Gosh what's with that girl can't she see he's uncomfortable, I walked over to them after slamming the locker door I pulled Ava back with her hair and stood in front of Jungkook facing Ava 

"what do you think your doing?" I said venom laced in my voice looking at her with disgust

"minding my own business unlike you" Ava spat back 

"with my boy friend?" I asked looking at her with fire in my eyes this girl is gonna die and guess what no one gonna come to your funeral!

"wh- what" she looked shocked as she stepped back slightly

"yep now get lost if I ever see you near either of the seven I will hunt you down" I said feeling a little victorious. 

"try me" Ava answered challengingly.

Opps lets see what happened later I know this is a little boring and short 

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