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I woke up to being snuggled up to something warm and soft. I hugged it thing, it's my pillow. I wrapped a leg around it. A chuckle sounded in the air. I shot my eyes open and saw how close me and Yoongi's face was. I don't know why but I pecked his lips only for only second tho.... anyways. He's so beautiful. He looked at me and pouted. 

"That wasn't a good morning kiss" Yoongi grumbled. Omg his pout is so adorable. I kissed him and he quickly slipped his tongue inside my mouth. His hand went to the back of my thigh --which was around him-- pulling it higher, rubbing me there, leaving a trail of goosebumps. A shiver ran down my spine when his hand went higher up my leg. He broke the kiss smirking down to me. I smiled sleepily. His hair was all over his forehead, he looked so beautiful. His hand had now reached my ass. He squeezed it. I shrieked, omg why does that give such a nice feeling? He knows it feels nice. He does it on purpose.... And I still love it. 

I looked up at him he was still smirking. Ugh why did his smirk annoy me? Cause he's doing it on purpose! That's why. "Aw don't pout like that" Yoongi whined as he cupped my face with one hand the other one still on my ass. I pouted even more. Yoongi kissed my lips leaving me stunned. He smiled when I stopped pouting. He gave my ass another squeeze. Removing his hand, I immediately missed his hand there, I don't know why. He got up pulling the covers off. I'm already missing his warm presence. "Don't miss me too much" Yoongi mused as he walked to the bathroom. I scoffed acting offended, putting my hand on my chest staring at the bathroom hallway in disbelieve. I changed my expression sticking my tongue at the bathroom hallway.  

I got out myself, stretching my body. My sweat shirt lifted when I raised my arms in the air, showing some of my pantie. oh I forgot I'm in just this. Ugh nevermind.

Yoongi walked his shirt off. I stared, Oh my his abs. They looked so delicious, so lickable is that a word? Probably not. But seriously. His abs looked so delicious. "Done eye fucking me?" My eyes snapped at Yoongi when he said that. I blushed at what Yoongi said, I have literally no idea that Yoongi curses. Well now I know. "So not done" I answered. Something is wrong with my mouth! I speak without thinking! It's like my mouth has a brain of it's own. Yoongi just sent me a smirk. And there is something terribly wrong with these boys. 

He walked towards me grabbing me by the waist, tilting my chin upwards to look at him in the eyes. "Continue Lavender" He whispered. His hands entered my shirt not going higher then my waist. My hands automatically went to his chest, running up and down. Yoongi bit his lip, closing his eyes, looking up. I don't know why I just feel very proud that I made him feel like this, get me? Like with Jimin. 

We got ready and went down for breakfast. I went to the kitchen after greeting the maknae line, while Yoongi stayed with maknae line. 

"Good Morning" Seokjin greeted turning from the gas, Namjoon looked up at me as he sat on the isle. Hobi also turned to me, he was standing next to Seokjin. I ruffled Namjoon's hair before walking up to Seokjin to see what he was making.

"Good morning" I greeted them, sending a smile. They smiled back. Seokjin used his free hand to lift my chin up and lean down, kissing me, Hobi smiled at the two of us. "When did you kiss her?" Hobi asked looking at me. "Yesterday" Seokjin answered putting his focus back to the pancakes he was cooking. Tasty looking pancakes may I add. "Have you marked her as yet?" Hobi whispered to Seokjin. I stared at the two of them, weirdos. "No" Seokjin answered, Hobi hummed in response . Ok umm let's not say anything- 

"What?" I asked my voice not listening to my subconsciousness. They both turned to me. "Nothing baby" Hobi said, his smile reassuring me. I looked down heat rising to my face. I went and sat next to Namjoon, His head down on the table. I ran a hand through his hair. He looked up giving me a smile, The smile didn't reach his eyes, no dimples either. "What happened" I asked, my voice low, massaging his head. "Nothing, too much of work" Namjoon said shaking his head at me. Well now to think about it he did have bags under his eyes, He looked he hasn't slept too well the past few days. 

The 7 Boys *On Hold*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon